⏲️ Major Milestones
- August 2022: Tipasa Pilot kickoff
- October 2022: Tipasa sandboxes completed
- September - end of January 2023: Tipasa Pilot training & testing
- January (end) 2023: Tipasa Pilot ends
- March 2023 - October 2023: Tipasa testing with OCLC
Summer 2023no later than summer 2024: Tipasa Golive - one year (anticipated) after successful Tipasa golive: VDX decommission
Patrick SHANNON (Unlicensed) , UC Berkeley
Mary Hardy, UC Berkeley
Kristen Van Vliet, UC Berkeley
Ellen Dario (NRLF), UC Berkeley
Jason Newborn , UC Davis
Linda Michelle Weinberger , UC Irvine
Lai Arakawa , UC Irvine
Amador, Alicia , UC Los Angeles
Sabrina Simmons , UC Riverside
Scott Hathaway , UC Santa Barbara
Alison Ray (CDL) , California Digital Library, project lead
UC Tipasa implementation site (requires OCLC login)
📔 Meeting Notes
Tipasa Testers meetings & notes (UC + select OCLC only)
OCLC & UC meetings & notes (UC only)