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The Primo VE Database search does not currently meet our needs. Most of this is likely due to a lack of desired functionality. However, troubleshooting is complicated by the continued post-migration cleanup of electronic collections. Because the current A-Z lists meet most of our needs, we recommend coming back to this topic was the majority of electronic resource cleanup has finished in the NZ.
Further, the https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CDLNZPT/overview may be in the process of documenting related issues that might change the landscape of what we’re working with. When their report comes out (assumed end of April 2023?) we can review and revisit.
Currently the need is very nebulous and difficult to pin dsown.
Desired Behavior
Users can use Database search or simple search to find databases by title.
What keeps them from doing this?”
Users can search for “database” and retrieve a list of databases.
What keeps them from doing this?
Users can browse an A-Z list
This might be a moot point if it wasn’t designed as one AND no one gives up springshare.
We want things we call databases to be shown as databases.
Is this related to the bib cleanup from RM? Is there a current cleanup project? Is there a timeline to those projects?
Initial concerns
The documentation states that Database Search for Primo VE does not allow browsing using A-Z links.
Evidence that it’s not supposed to?
Library/Users definition of a “database” does not always match Ex Libris' definition. As a result, titles that should should appear when doing a database search do not.
Is there a way to work within this?
Librarians (and users?) don’t like the division by subject/category.
things in the wrong category?
category terminology was wrong?
Action Log
Action/Point Person | Expected Completion Date | Notes | Status |
Discovery |
| Discussed the current issues around Dabatase search | |
Discovery |
| Update decision page to explain stalled status. | |