Versions Compared


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Discussion Points



Decisions / Actions


Assemble - 5 min

  • Notetaker assignment

  • Record meeting

  • Salwa Ismail will be attending in Chan’s place

Notetaker: Ellen Augustiniak



Walkthrough of draft review files - 30 min


  • Locations (“Categories” of libraries) -

    • waiting confirmation on RLF deposits - a note at the item level is where the information lives

  • User groups - ok

  • Electronic - ok

  • Withdrawals - temporarily applied to prototype

Physical inventory totals vs. Risk Management by building reports - RiversideBerkeley, Davis, BerkeleyLA, (2 moreand Riverside (Chan Li Alison Lanius John Riemer Michele Potter) are on standby to help with Daisy’s follow up research


"Special" library category designation - 10 min

Question from UCB - how is this designation determined?

General question: Do we still need to delineate stats from the NZ by special collections locations (SCA) and non-SCA locations? This was part of the original prototype; it is not used in UCL/UCOP annual stats. With AASA-PT’s original report, our recommendation was that special collections stats should not be generated from the NZ (this was endorsed by CoUL). If a few campuses do use this data - should we provide it to them separately, as opposed to part of this process (that way, everybody doesn’t need to confirm SCA locations each year - reduce workload)?


  • in 2023, this was provided at least in communications with SCA colleagues in HOSC about how to count “Manuscript Units”. (See Statistics: Manuscript Resource Type - item counts

    • It showed SCA colleagues that their non-special items (e.g. regular physical books that circulate, but that happen to live in an SCA location) are still counted.

Future project - do we need these separate counts for SCA locations at all? Campuses that need them for single-campus planning can do them locally.

  •  Lisa Wong will add SCA locations discussion to future agenda item for fall mtgs when there’s time to review
  •  Berkeley will follow up internally on SCA locations, because this is set by campuses.

Should we remove the “electronic” and “physical” designation from the resource type labels? (if time) - 10 min

Sample output of what this would look like:

image (2).png


Some complications:

  • More groupings? Like “Journal (Ceased publication)” bundled into “Journal”?

  • More removing of formats, e.g. “ - Microfilm” and “ - Microfiche”Microfiche.” This gets complicated because “Microforms” is also its own resource type.

None - ran out of time.


Wrap up - 5 min

Review actions and decisions


Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion


