Too much content to cover, so we’re breaking it into 2 meetings a week. No one was interested in a longer meeting. Also, we want to ensure we’re covering items that are relevant to the folks attending, that is, not making anyone slog through topics not directly related to their work.
Op Leads will trade note-taking duties in alphabetical order by last name.
Op Leads meetings well will be recorded upon request. If someone cannot make a meeting, they can request we record it. The recordings will be saved on Google Drive in a folder with limited access.
(Op Leads) Opening confluence
Decide timeline for opening Confluence. Friday, May 29 (or Monday, June 1, or Monday May 18) to give Com Leads and PMs time to prepare content.
Opening Confluence will likely spawn questions outside the cohort. (could be time-intensive for Com Leads)
Determine what content needs to be in place on Confluence and if anything needs to be removed to avoid confusion
Systems and integrations should be accurate
ICs were already asked to verify this one, but we can assign a hard date.
Who is the audience for this one? It seems semantically overloaded…
Remove test docs?
Strategy: move to WG space if not ready for primetime
Communication via:
Alert Cohort, CoUL, DOC before SILS News is published.
Adrian and Ben are doing an inventory of content that is missing on Confluence or should be held back until ready for primetime.
Other groups need time to prep public content
Ben and Adrian will need to draft a SILS News and communicate to the Cohort the go-live date for Confluence.
Explain to Cohort why we are doing this and remind cohort of the principles for sharing and transparency
Christine: The intention was to have it be public so that everyone at the campuses can follow the project. The CSUs did this, and it seems to have worked well. Their confluence wiki is public to this day. Here's a link to their wiki if you are interested:
Would it be worthwhile to document how local campus groups are structured and governed? Why? Why now? For internal reference by PMs, Com Leads, WG, etc. Or, would this be useful “public” information on Confluence? in phase 3, we did not document this info, but we had the Campus Liaisons who were in charge of communications. The IC is not the replacement for the CL.
If yes, what’s our first step?
How is communication disseminated from project to local groups? Do we need to track contacts here?
Problem statement: we need to know who to reach out to in different cases. It would be nice to have a document of who’s doing what would help. No single point person in Phase 4.
(someone) Assign out answer responsibilities at Thurs. Coms mtg
(PM) MVP and timeline
Add this 5/1 WG meeting notes context to the Part 2 discussion:
Ways to support campuses – project out when work will happen and when it could be pushed out to share with campuses. What is critical path and critical to the project.
Inconsistent assumptions about what the go-live date means. Cleanup and migration continue for years post-migration. focus on what must be done to make the deadline.
Get buyin from FGs on what the MVP is and what it will look like and what will be worked on later.
Extended timeline beyond go-live to really show work gets done, just later.
Next step is to show where the intense work is, get buyin on the MVP, and show the timeline going out post-go-live (and remind everyone it’s normal for data cleanup to take many years)
Consult with ILS Data cleanup group and Salwa who has done this work at UCB also on painting a picture of the work.
PMs were assigned to define an MVP and timeline. What’s in scope is what we must have to go live in summer 2021. How do we define MVP? What information do we need?
For example, What data must be cleaned up before migration? What can wait?
How do we approach this? interview our 5 campuses who already migrated? review project plan with Ex Libris? Ask why did you consider this important or not important.
What’s our first step? Reach out to Ex Libris. Ask Adrian and Neil to review the project plan as a first pass?
Lot of dependencies and downsteam work. For example, decisions about how to configure the NZ will determine what data needs to be cleaned up.
Should our approach be to draft principles about justifying the amount of work in the time given and consulting with the 5 campuses who already went to Alma/Primo for decisions.
What, if anything, could be pushed until after go-live?
Campuses will have a lot to advise here; perhaps peer consortia also?
Make “cliff” of go-live less scary; we are in it for the long-game (data clean-up for years)
Park for now
(someone) get project plan (schedule) from Ex Libris
(PM) Best practices for leaves from SILS project
We shared it with the chairs in a checkin email. Now we want to create a page with this info for reference.
Proposal: Create a page on SILS Phase 4 home page. Add a shortcut or link to this page on every space. Do you agree with this approach?
Taking time off
As we all grapple to manage the impact of COVID19 on our daily lives, review these practices for taking time off from the SILS project and supporting members taking time off.
For absences of a short duration such as a vacation or conference, mark your leave on the Vacations/Out page on Confluence. You may not invite a substitute to attend a meeting in your place.
For extended absences such as family leave or reduced hours, talk to your group co-chairs.
As a best practice, groups should record meetings to be shared with members who are absent; delete recordings after a reasonable amount of time for privacy reasons.
We will create an information page on taking time off.