2 | Announcements/Questions |
| 10:05-10:10 am
| | | all: use google drive document (link in notes column) to submit questions by cob 5/26 all: consider whether you can serve as co-chair, let Beth C. know if you’re interested, by mid-June
3 | Decision Making Rubric for PSELG draft | Discussion. Assignment: review document; suggest revisions, additions deletions, alternatives | 10:10-10:40 am | all | combined PSELG feedback with existing DOC spreadsheet could be useful for considering projects make sure we’re asking the right questions lightweight is good could use as a tool for initial assessments and as a document to support final decision some things are more complicated than yes/no decisions not every category will apply every time helpful as a guideline/guiding document will continue working on rubric, continue the dialogue around it can reformat it after we’ve used it a couple times once we uncover principles/assumptions/things we missed 7, 10, 13, 14: have this info as we come to the discussion, other portions we may want to come to collectively (pros/cons, fact finding, right question, shared language and definitions) do we need a pre-work category? do we have everything we need? add SILS principles to benefit category B-E categories could perhaps be combined rather than be separate sections yes/no might better be thought of as pros/cons in some instances can surface areas where we aren’t quite in alignment (will also help us be more efficient so we aren’t spending a lot of time on things where we are in agreement) option 1: all : review/revise decision making rubric (deadline)work on rubric over next two weeks option 2: subgroup take charge of rubric and then share with rest of group
| | subgroup (BC, RO, SH, SDS) will reorganize and fine-tune rubric subgroup will meet for 30 minutes or so to get started, BC will schedule meeting