2020-05-18 Meeting notes




  • @Elizabeth A. DUPUIS (Unlicensed)

  • @Cynthia Johnson

  • @David Schmitt (Unlicensed)

  • @Micquel Little (Unlicensed)

  • @Rikke Ogawa (Unlicensed)

  • @Sara Davidson Squibb (Unlicensed)

  • @Sarah Houghton

  • @Sarah Troy

  • @Vincent Novoa (Unlicensed)

  • @Beth Callahan (Unlicensed)

  • @Rebecca Metzger (Unlicensed)

Not attending


Facilitator: Beth C
Time Keeper: @Cynthia Johnson
Notetaker: @Sarah Troy

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome








Catch-up and gathering together

10:00-10:05 am


Rose/thorn: brief round-robin of something that made you smile, and/or something that is a bit of thorn. Voluntary.



10:05-10:10 am

  • ExL presentation deck on Network Zones (NZ)

  • ExL Q+A NZ; June 1 meeting.
    Deadline: submit questions by cob May 26th. Use ExL Q+A NZ to record question(s) and priority

  • Call for a co-chair

  • Zoom update: waiting room restrictions removed, anyone can share screen at any time, can revisit these changes at any time

  • all: use google drive document (link in notes column) to submit questions by cob 5/26

  • all: consider whether you can serve as co-chair, let Beth C. know if you’re interested, by mid-June


Decision Making Rubric for PSELG draft

Discussion. Assignment: review document; suggest revisions, additions deletions, alternatives

10:10-10:40 am


  • combined PSELG feedback with existing DOC spreadsheet

  • could be useful for considering projects

  • make sure we’re asking the right questions

  • lightweight is good

  • could use as a tool for initial assessments and as a document to support final decision

  • some things are more complicated than yes/no decisions

  • not every category will apply every time

  • helpful as a guideline/guiding document

  • will continue working on rubric, continue the dialogue around it

  • can reformat it after we’ve used it a couple times once we uncover principles/assumptions/things we missed

  • 7, 10, 13, 14: have this info as we come to the discussion, other portions we may want to come to collectively (pros/cons, fact finding, right question, shared language and definitions)

  • do we need a pre-work category? do we have everything we need?

  • add SILS principles to benefit category

  • B-E categories could perhaps be combined rather than be separate sections

  • yes/no might better be thought of as pros/cons in some instances

  • can surface areas where we aren’t quite in alignment (will also help us be more efficient so we aren’t spending a lot of time on things where we are in agreement)

  • option 1: all work on rubric over next two weeks

  • option 2: subgroup take charge of rubric and then share with rest of group



  • subgroup (BC, RO, SH, SDS) will reorganize and fine-tune rubric

  • subgroup will meet for 30 minutes or so to get started, BC will schedule meeting

  • all: offer feedback once next draft is shared by sub-group




10:40-11:00 am



  • what are we trying to accomplish? facilitate decision-making, resolve issues

  • what do we think will change when we implement the SILS? enhanced functionality, better for users, better for library staff

  • how will we know if we’re successful? it has improved functionality, it is working across the UC Libraries

  • worries? concerns about system, budget, size/scope of project, satisfaction with the project, what will training look/feel like, maintaining steam/excitement/sense of collaboration post-implementation, want to maintain sense of commitment to functional group/working group concept





Wrap-up and next steps

Review actions and assignments

11:00-11:05 am


No meeting next week - holiday!

6/1 agenda

  • ExL to talk about network zones

  • decision-making rubric follow-up discussion


  • all: let BC know if there are agenda items you’d like to see added to future agendas


Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion







The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu