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Desired Outcome







Check-in / Logistics

Report any major changes in availability / circumstances



  • Checkin on meeting times in August – still working?


Vanguard campuses

Check how things are going individually with vanguard ICs on configuration form




ILS Data cleanup / Patron Data groups / PPC

PPC: All-decision Rollup




    This list goes next to ICs for local campus vanguard testing. This is not intended for FG systemwide use - those test plans should be somewhere else.

    The list is also mostly related to migrated data validation and NOT to workflow or process validation. Those kinds of things should be documented elsewhere…

    Have PPC members reviewed this list. Anything to add?

    If PPC has other recommendations for local groups to do - where does this go? How do we disseminate this to the local groups?

To ICs: Please do not use this MASTER copy in your testing - please make a copy and fill out locally.




Timeline review

Post questions in Basecamp as they come up (e.g., config form questions, other concerns). It’s open 24/7!

Stay up to date on timeline / deadlines: Basecamp To-Dos

In the works: (reported 8/20)

  • Ex Libris is writing a document about Alma collaborative networks for UC; coming from Marina and team end of August.



Config form:

  • PPC will finish config form recommendations Friday 7th - DONE!

  • DRAFT due 14th - DONE!

  • FINAL due 21st - DONE!

  • Fulfillment network draft due Aug 21; fulfillment network final 28th → Fulfillment FG has the ball on this.

Special meetings upcoming:

Vanguard Environment

  • Delivery Sept 4th

  • Special Meeting: Using Alma for Data Review, Sep 10: No questions are needed in advance. The goal of this meeting is to help vanguard institutions understand how to look at their data and to be able to form questions.

  • Primo delivery Sep 16

  • Special meeting first look at Primo Sep 17

Good to know

  • Post questions in Basecamp as they come up (e.g., config form questions, other concerns). It’s open 24/7!

  • Ex Libris is writing a document about Alma collaborative networks for UC; coming from Marina and team end of August.

Looking ahead…What defines “completion” for the vanguard?

  • In general, the details below follow along with the Important Project Dates and Key Milestones To Do list on the UCS Basecamp at as to what is accomplished during the Vanguard and when it ends (at the start of the full project implementation)

    • On EXL side:

      • Completion of reviews for Alma Essentials and Administration Fundamentals trainings

      • All environments delivered (Alma and Primo VE)

      • Initial Alma configurations loaded

      • Vanguard Alma Workshop completed

      • Kickoff for full project occurs

    • On UCS side:

      • Reviewed Alma Essentials and Administration Fundamentals trainings

      • Gain experience with data migration preparation – including files, forms and processes

      • Begin initial review of data migration

      • Report data migration issues to EXL for review and planning for full Test Load

      • Begin initial review of configurations and plan for future adjustments

      • Kickoff for full project occurs

  • Looking even further ahead to Full Implementation.

  • Major deliverables will be added to the PM Basecamp as additional To Do lists (Test Load, Configs, Primo VE, Integrations, and Cutover/Go Live).

    • Test Load high level dates provided, rest of line items will be added in over the next month (note change to final date for deliverables)

    • Configs and Primo VE will be added after being adjusted following the VGs completing their work (and OK of TL dates)

    • Integrations To Do should be prepped by kickoff

    • Cutover/Go Live To Dos will be high level until May (look at test load as a starting point)

    Configurations and Alma Certification (VG versus Full Impl Test Load) clarification. Every campus must have a minimum of 2 Alma-certified & 2 Primo-VE certified staff by go-live.

    • The current sandboxes have configuration open.

    • The VG TL environments will be delivered with configurations open.

    • The Full TL (in February 2021) will NOT have ALL configs open for those that do not have Alma certified staff (N/A for current Alma/Primo campuses). Those campuses without Alma certified staff will need to request (via cases) config changes to be made by EXL on their behalf.

    • Alma Configuration Options - Open vs Locked

    • Merced is the only campus who may not be certified yet.

    • It would be up to Robin to decide if UCD Law should be certified to make config changes since UCD is already live

    • UCSB and UCD will need to get Primo VE certified.

    • Tip: Make sure everyone gets the Primo VE certification and not the Primo certification. Add this to the instructions.


Vanguard testing

Alma campus IC recommendations for Data Testing

Round-robin with vanguard campuses: Share progress on local implementation test plans; anything you want to share with the group? anything the group can help you with?

ICs to review their local implementation test plans and estimate how long testing will take. Report back at the next IC meeting. (Ballpark how long you think testing will take. We are trying to understand what September and October will look like. )



  • ILSDC and Patron Data testing form

  • UC instruction begins on Oct 1 for fall quarter, so it would be ideal to get as much testing done as possible by then. UCB and UCM instruction begins August 26.

  • Testing will not be coordinated overall; ICs will manage their own plan.

  • Caitlin started a Vanguard testing decision page.

    • UCLA needs a little time to confirm sysadmin accounts are properly set up before setting up accounts for others.

    • UCB wants to be sure data is not corrupted before granting other accounts.

    • Jeremy noted it's easy to goof things up in Alma.

    • Need the data privacy to be determined before accounts are opened to other campuses.

    • Accounts will be requested using this spreadsheet managed by SILS chairs; Figure out what the vanguard FG members should do sooner before accounts are available for other non-vanguard campuses.

    • Vanguard buddy for Merced?

    • Lynne would like to give accounts but then be able to ask these testers to help answer Alma questions they have.

    • Primo VE will be accessible via a public URL for viewing by anyone.

    • What expectations about setting permissions? Back and forth will likely be needed with requester to determine what they are testing.

    • UCSB provided admin levels for testing but used a strategy for setting more specific roles for go live.

    • For analytics, you can run user reports to see addresses, other private info.

  • Question: how will campuses communicate to ExL during testing? Basecamp? SalesForce?

    • Using Alma for Data Review meeting 9/10 will cover reporting problems. Things that are very specific to data migration goes on your SF case.

Testing dates approved by ICs:

  • By Sep 21, provided the data migrates well, vanguard campuses will open up accounts to FG testers.

  • After September, non-vanguard local campus SILS teams can request access through their IC.

Changed permissions from “highest” level to the “appropriate” level for the testing at hand.


Other / Homework


Responses to questions asked today:

  • Q: Call out CDL in the timeline and UCD Law in “UCS High Level Test Load Activities”?

    • A: Activities at this stage in the early timeline are identified by ILS, so CDL and UCD Law activities fall under “III”.

  • Q: Do Alma campuses have to download the MFT?

    • A: yes, they have to download and install the latest Migration File Validation tool. It’s updated monthly. Everyone will have to resubmit the forms.

  • Q: 2 Primo-VE certified staff; can it be 1?

    • A: Two certified for Alma is mandatory. One is acceptable for Primo VE for a smaller institution. It could be the same 2 people for both Alma & Primo VE certification. On a side note, Marci has also seen at large consortia a certified person from the systems office acting as a backup for a campus. Primo VE certification is not rigorous.


Parking lot

Checkin about meeting times in August when we know more about work schedules/school commitments - we may need to shift meeting times/days to better accommodate IC’s schedule.

IC retrospective to share lessons learned (what went well, didn’t go well, do differently next time) - worthwhile? Just the ICs. Do it between the break between vanguard and test load.

Invite FGs to present on their test plans at the Sep 3 IC meeting? Thank you, but not needed.

No need to invite FGs to present on their test plans to IC meeting. Many ICs are already familiar with these test plans since FG members are in their local implementation teams.



90 / 90
