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When you join the meeting, rename your Zoom name to your name + SILS group (Mouseover your participant window, click on the […] dots dropdown to the right of “mute”, choose Rename.)

Ben, Neil, Lena will be watching chat today.




Quick announcements (shared via Slack)

Quick reminder that our meeting notes are public.

Deadline for setting passcodes on Zoom meetings was extended to September 27. Meeting passwords (passcodes) are already enforced for all free accounts. For Zoom for Government accounts, Passcodes or Waiting Rooms will be required on October 18, 2020. 




SILS co-chairs update



Timeline review (recurring)

Awareness of what’s happening, coming soon in the project

We are in the Vanguard Phase (June 15 to end of October)

Vanguard campuses: UCB (iii), UCLA (Voyager), UCSB (Alma), UCSD (iii), UCSF (iii), CDL

  • Jul 13-Aug 31: Vanguard Alma training -- includes weekly training Q&A with Ex Libris (will be recorded), organized by topic IN PROGRESSDONE!

  • Jul 31: Vanguard data load and forms due DONE!

  • August 21: Vanguard test load configuration IN PROGRESS

  • Aug 14 draft forms due

  • Aug 21 final forms due


  • August 28: Fulfilllment network configuration DONE!

  • Sep 4: Vanguard Alma environment with test data ready for review and testing DONE! (Some instances were delayed until 9/8)

  • September: Vanguard Primo training IN PROGRESS

  • Sep 16: Vanguard Primo VE ready for review and testing (Sep 17 special meeting to introduce Primo VE)

  • Week of Oct 5-9: Alma training workshops (IT working on schedulewill send invites soon)

  • End of October: Vanguard completion (estimated) & lessons learned

Upcoming special meetings with Ex Libris

  • Aug 20 - data cleanup for the 4 areas that do not get wiped after the test load: Libraries, Locations, Vendors/ Vendor Interfaces, Resource sharing partners. Questions due on BC 8/6

  • Aug 27 - shared vendors/workflow for e-resources. Questions due on BC 8/13

In the works…

  • How UC RLFs work (audience: Ex Libris)

  • Resource sharing for non-returnables

  • Authority controlRLF presentation to Ex Libris at Sep 21 weekly project update meeting. No questions due.

  • Authority control on Sep 24. Questions due 9/10.

  • CDL SCP Workflow on Oct 1 (demo how SCP records will be loaded). Questions due 9/17.

  • Vanguard Analytics demo on Oct 12. No questions due.  

    • This session runs 90 minutes long (1:00-2:30am)

    • Connie Braun will be the trainer and will provide a brief analytics overview for both an IZ and the NZ.

    • For the full implementation project, we will have a more in-depth look at Analytics in the IZs and the NZ; 2 separate sessions.

In the works…(nothing pending)




Vanguard testing

Awareness of testing planning plan and progress; Q&A

Primo environment: Sep 16

5Vanguard Testing Policies and Procedures


Tom and Carlo (IC co-chairs)

  1. ICs will be spearheading spearhead local campus testing and distributing distribute local accounts in the VG instances.

    1. Each IC/local VG campus is in charge of their own test plan(s) and accounts

  2. FG Chairs will be spearheading spearhead systemwide testing, and will be requesting request VG instance accounts for non-VG FG members as needed on this form

    1. FG members who are from VG campuses will have accounts at their home campus in addition to any necessary non-VG accounts.

  3. Non-VG local campus staff who wish to view VG data can request an account after September 2020.All accounts will be given “admin” level privileges in the appropriate modules, unless instructed otherwisein October 2020.

  4. Before receiving an account, everyone must complete the Acknowledgement of Data Security Responsibilities form

  5. Moratorium on any type of bibliographic and holdings records work by vanguard campus or SILS groups that could impact data in the NZ until 9/21/2020. This would preserve the data in its migrated state and allow for Resource Management FG to do their data review.

Test Plans:

  1. ILSDC / Data Validation checklist is the foundation (being published at the end of August)for local campus testing.

  2. Local campus test plans focus on local needs

  3. FGs are creating their own test plans based on systemwide decisions.

  4. Once we have the environments, Carlo will be working on getting 5 patrons and locations ready so permissions can be set and testing can be done


Q: My group had a question about how to address/expectations for testing workflows or decisions related to tangible materials and other areas that are impacted by remote work? I'm curious if other chairs have run into that yet? We can’t move print materials to test since we can’t go into the library.

A: Some campuses have employees in the libraries doing curbside pickup so they could test handling physical materials workflows.

Q: What’s our strategy for providing accounts to non-VG?

A: The 4 or 5 FG members in the vanguard campuses can start testing right away.

Hoping for flexibility - some of the consortial-level testing (by FGs) may take longer than local testing items. We'll have to see what the time estimation is for the FG testing. Can some FGs get accounts sooner? Once test plans are complete, the FGs will have a better sense of how much time might be needed.

Estimating to give local campus implementation teams some time to ensure the system is working as expected before releasing it to others outside their campus.


  • Alma Instances are available on Sep 4-8 (Primo on Sep 16)

    • Accounts start being made

    • Extra config starts being done

    • Data and configuration validation

  • “Alma Data Review” special meeting on the Sep 10th (Th)

  • Maybe have accounts for people ASAP so they can get a taste of the environment before this meeting?

  • Testing should begin in earnest after this date at the latest

    Sept 16th: ExL releases the Primo VE environments

  • Sept 17th: ExL presentation on “First look at Primo VE” in vanguard

  • Sept 21st: Provided migration was successful, Vanguard campuses will begin creating FG Test accounts. Roles will be assigned based upon requested test function.

  • After September, non-Vanguard local campus SILS teams can request access through their IC.


Communication Operation Leads update (recurring)

Awareness of communications activities



  • Chairs Meetings: Report & recommendations by end of August

    • What problems would it solve for you if we were to open Basecamp to the cohort more broadly?

    • What problems would it create?

  • FYI. Next SILS Town Hall is 9/15


Flagging any significant issues (recurring)



Parking Lot

Feel free to add a topic to the Proposed agenda topics page on Confluence

Capture important topics for future discussion


