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Desired Outcome








Decide on next steps for vanguard and post testing of third party integration




AEON Testing/third party integration

Status of third party issues related to AEON intergration


Josephine Tan/PPC & Jess Waggoner, Discovery co-chairs

  • Discovery FG haven't done more than looking at Primo out-of-box. Vanguard buddies will meet (someone in Vanguard, someone not in Vanguard) – starting in beginning and thru October

    • Where SC and third-party integrations come in is not yet

    • Focus on functionality testing, is the sytem working as ExL expects it to work.

    • On roadmap, more UX appraisal of the system and how we can optimize the display. User-centered appraisals will be conducted in the future post functionality testing. SCA and Aeon was originally part of appraisals, so they are also surprised that Aeon was not part of Vanguard.

    • Heather Smedberg is leading the charge on this.

  • Testing worksheet:

AEON testing not being done yet during this initial functionality testing in VG, and but will be tested before go-live.

Update from UCSB Discovery member:

“our backend configurations are still in place for AEON (on the Alma side), but the link doesn't appear. I've created a basecamp message for this ("[UCSB] General Electronic Service (AEON) not appearing in Primo. We have 2 Special collections people on our testing team-- 1 curator and 1 cataloger. So they will approach our spreadsheet with their expertise and background in mind.”

Update from UCSD Discovery member:

“we have used the 960 to add our aeon links, and those were carried forward into the bibs in Alma. We have 3 SC&A staff on our local testing group. We will be looking at local notes, holdings, and other special collections-related cataloging and display needs as part of our testing”

Update from UCSF: “we don't have AEON implemented yet.”

Discovery FG Google folder for User Personas & Journey Maps for:

The user personas and journey maps were created by Jess' team at UCSC when they brought in Alma-Primo about 3 years ago. Other materials are from UCSC and UCSF usability testing for other past local projects.

Overview of how Primo/Aeon integration was established at UCSC

  • DFG: will work with this group to determine what users need to be able to do with the system and work through those in the space of the system, where users encounter problems, how we could display through label or larger configuration changes


Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion



