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Desired Outcome







Checkin/quick updates/anything from slack or email

  • Don’t forget to check the Task report for your outstanding tasks and check them off when done.




Plan B discussion

If Plan B is needed:

Confirm willingness to participate

Consider what this might look like

Determine on-ramp/timeline to wrap up current work



If our initial approach hits a roadblock (e.g., one of the co-PMs needs to take an unexpected leave), we will investigate an alternative plan. Below are some possible alternatives. Identify additional capacity on hand to shore up confidence.

  1. Reassign Adrian to a PM role and ask Danielle to cover his Communication Lead duties in part or full. 

  2. Utilize someone already in the cohort with PM skills such as Adrian. Put out a call to identify others as needed.

  3. Solicit DOC for another project manager (only worthwhile for an extended absence of more than two months.) 

  4. Bring in a 50% time project manager from UCSF (on standby as needed.)

The planConfirm willingness to participate and determine time needed to transition to this work:

  • Adrian is willing to jump in if Plan B is enacted. Possibly as the IC PM since he has been through an Alma migration. He would be able to do both PM and Com roles for a couple of weeks to allow Danielle to on-ramp.

  • We Danielle is also on board with the plan. She would need an on-ramp over time for the work to make a transition

  • Short-term Adrian could shift to 50% time immediately for at least 2-4 weeks (could do both Com and PM) to allow Danielle to ramp-up.

  • Two weeks would be sufficient for Danielle to on-ramp.

  • Estimate Currently, the Com Leads estimate 5-8 hours a week for SILS work on Communications (about 20% time)

  • Adrian’s been on tech & Confluence; Ben’s the editor

  • Danielle’s time varies greatly based on project work; Danielle might be comfortable with up to 20% time.

  • Adrian is willing to jump in if Plan B is enacted. Possibly as the IC PM since he has been through an Alma migration.

  • Do we need to create a “what would shift on day one” plan to help Danielle and Adrian on-ramp? Convene a meeting to plan for the real situation when it happens.


SILS Service Manager (recurring)

Report on progress


Lena, Christine

  • Moratorium on non-VG member testing ended 9/28

  • Nothing from PPC - they canceled their last 2 meetings

  • ICs are working on testing; approving Test Load activities timeline;


Training (recurring)

Update on progress 



  • Work inventory spreadsheet is based on what each campus needs for training; ask existing Alma campuses what new campuses need to know. Pull most of docs from pre-existing campuses. Will work on timeline this Friday.

  • ITS work plan

  • Katie Ritchey is trying out co-chairing starting next week.

  •  Neil Weingarten Neil/IT + PMs to consider a survey to cohort asking for feedback about Ex Libris trainings and other general meetings: was training coverage sufficient; what do they wish would have been covered? what other topics might need a deep dive? May be valuable for the existing Almas in particular. Timing: after vanguard workshops (10/2-9)

(Ops Leads) Ongoing checkin

  1. Is anything blocked or behind schedule?

  2. What deliverables are coming in the next week?

  3. Any decisions, consultations or approvals needed in the next week? 

  4. Do you need anything?



  • Editorial calendar for October: We’ve got 6 weeks with no SILS News planned. Anything to share?

    • get some stats on vanguard load for “vanguard complete” message - how many records migrated, etc.

    • Adrian proposed we could share the results of the IT workshop training survey highlights in October. The purpose of the survey is to find ways to improve the training next time. Should have results by ~Oct 16.

    • We could share stats on how many people attended the training on the patron services and technical services tracks ,

    • what the next training opportunity will be, etc: another round of Alma training starting in November.


SILS All Chairs meeting (recurring)

  • Note-taking:

  • Facilitating:

  • Monitoring chat: All

  • Track attendance:

Post to SILS Chairs slack channel on Monday before meeting: If no agenda items or pressing issues by EOD Monday, we’ll cancel the Wednesday meeting.

Topics for next meeting: Oct 21



Hold for early October


SILS Town Hall meeting (recurring)

3rd Tuesdays


Com Leads

Hold for October COM meeting


Zoom revised their passcode mandate

Com Leads: Share this with the cohort?

Dear Valued Customer,

At Zoom, customers are our number one priority, and we always strive to bring you the best, most secure video meeting experience in the industry.

In June we reached out about a new security standard for our paid accounts. We are continuously working to balance security with ensuring a fluid meeting experience. Based on the feedback that we received about both the nature and timing of these changes, we will no longer be enforcing a mandatory security requirement for your account on September 27, 2020, or at any point thereafter.

Here is our updated plan:

In November, we will be introducing a new Admin feature which, when enabled, ensures that ALL meetings have at least ONE of the following applied a) Passcode, b) Waiting Room, c) 'Only authenticated users can join'.
This new feature will be defaulted to 'OFF' - We highly recommend you enable it, but you have the ultimate discretion. 
This feature can be applied at the Account and/or Group level.

If you have additional questions, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or our Support Team.

Team Zoom

Com Leads

Hold for 10/1 meeting?


Parking Lot

  • Consider a buddy system, pairing a new campus with an existing Alma campus for the local implementation teams. Match by size (student count): Davis, Irvine, Riverside, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz.

  • SSM for future meeting - Systemwide Work Planning - plan for the work CDL / systemwide groups will do to support the SILS

    • The document was created to gather the assumptions /brainstorms about what services CDL will be providing. Add them to the document as they arise for you

  • Ben will be out for the 10/1 meeting

  • Premortem checkins - Hold for a future meetingNeil/IT + PMs to consider a survey to cohort asking for feedback about Ex Libris trainings and other general meetings: was training coverage sufficient; what do they wish would have been covered? what other topics might need a deep dive? May be valuable for the existing Almas in particular. Timing: after vanguard workshops (10/2-9)


Wrap up



Any actions or decisions missed?



