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Date: June 11, 2021

Time: 1-2pm




Members please pre-populate with your availability.

  • EMT – Monday afternoon; Tuesday

  • BD - Mostly available

  • PS - Wed afternoon


    Desired Outcome

    Time (mins)






    Consent to Record



    Volunteering Availability (Standing Item)

    Track who is available to volunteer to work on tasks outside of meeting over the next week.


  • AA - Thurs 9-12

  • SP- Tues and Weds morning

  • BH - Mon PM

  • 3

    Upcoming Events
    (Standing Item)

    Create awareness around upcoming tasks/events

    5 2 min


    Updated Work Plan

    Fulfillment Open Houses:

    Mon, 6/7, 9-11

    • Mon 6/14 1-3

    • Thurs 6/17 3-5


    Fulfillment Open House Update

    5 mins

    • How did the first one go?

    • First recording (ok to share with campuses, don’t share publicly)


    Announcements (Standing Item)

    5 2 mins



    Analytics Workshop

    Trainer: Amanda Shriver (Tentative)

    Need to select a date by June 18

    10 mins



    Future meetings

    Discussion about future meetings

    Want to stay up to date on what people are doing for local trainings


    Subgroup Round-up

    Hear from each of the subgroups

    5 mins


    Training Documentation Hub Update:

    • No meeting this week.

    Communications Report

    • No updates

    Local Training

    • No meeting this week


    Round Robin

    Add local updates here for others to read


    UCSC - Planning to hold local Primo VE Demo on June 23rd. No other plans yet.

    UCD - Planning 2 Primo VE drop-ins the week of June 21st, 12-1pm.

    UCB - Drop in Primo VE trainings Tuesday and Wednesday, open forum on Monday, first look Alma training on Tuesday and Wednesday

    UCI - first look at primo happened this last week

    UCR - planning a primo first look for tech services.

    UCLA - training upcoming for resource management and fulfillment - can share agendas


    Open Discussion


    Analytics Workshop

    • Data Privacy Form / Registration

      • Autosend zoom info - in google form or qualtrics and include a link to the sheet for questions.

    • Ex Libris wants questions in advance. What process do we want to use?

      • Include link on confirmation page


    • Week of August 16

    • September 7-10

    • September 13-17

    Week of Aug 16:
    IT determined that the week of Aug 16 is not idea due to the semester calendar and it is only a few weeks after
    Go-Live (so folks may not have questions for Analytics formulated yet).

    September Dates:
    Zoom poll during the meeting favored either of the September dates.

    IT Members will reach out to campuses to determine preferences and share their decision in the “Decisions” section by June 11 if possible.


    Open Houses

    5 mins

    Erika Quintana Catherine Busselen

    Update regarding Technical Services Open Houses.

    These would not be helpful to do now for people who are generally pretty swamped. Post go live will be a better time.


    Workflow Training Materials

    Decide if we would like to pursue something like this.

    15 mins

    Josephine Tan (Unlicensed) , All

    Posted by Josephine in the slack channel:

    I took a quick look at the CSU consortium site and am admiring their content layout on the landing page -  - under the Training Materials is a listing for Workflows. Clicking into some of those workflows, you can see an impressive collection of visual workflows that, if I were a new staff member, I could pretty easily follow and then ask colleagues already working with Alma-Primo for additional help. The other categories of Best Practices/Processes and Policies and procedures are also well organized.  It seems worth reaching out to CSU to see how they approached what groups were responsible for creating the content (i.e., the very nice visual workflows).  And most likely they had an ITS similar to us that curated the content.

    Josephine Tan (Unlicensed) will write up paragraph of ask to take to PMs. Might be something we take to PMs, Chairs, or transition team.

    Parking Lot from this meetingCampus Preferences:

    UCSD: September 7th

    UCSC: September 7th

    UCB: September 7th


    UCM: no preference

    UCSB: no preference

    UCLA: no preference

    UCR: September 7th

    UCSF: no preference


    UCI: Deadline has passed and no September preferences/conflicts were given to me.

    Use the same spreadsheet to collect questions for Analytics (by 8/31)?

    •  Katie Ritchey (Unlicensed) will email date to PMs
    •  Need to set-up a zoom meeting for Analytics.
    •  Create spreadsheet for questions

    Future Meetings

    2 mins

    Next week: The 18th


    Open Discussion

    Anyone who needs to leave for other priorities can leave at this point

    45 min


    Parking Lot from this meeting

    Training Documentation Hub Update

    Communications Report