Versions Compared


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  • Jackie Gosselar, UC Berkeley

  • Elizabeth Salmon, UC Merced

  • Jared Campbell, UC Davis

  • Sean Claudio, UC Irvine

  • Joshua Gomez, UC Los Angeles 

  • Jessica Kruppa, UC Riverside, Chair 

  • Dominique Turnbow, UC San Diego, Vice Chair

  • Michele Mizejewski, UC San Francisco

  • Michael Craig, UC Santa Barbara 

  • Jess Waggoner, UC Santa Cruz

  • Gem Stone-Logan, CDL

Not present: Jared Campbell, UC Davis, Michele Mizejewski, UC San Francisco, Dominique Turnbow, UC San Diego, Vice Chair


Zoom Link to meeting (10 am):

Meeting Recording:


Issue tracking, deduplication test results, review work handoff


Desired Outcome







Sharing and Updates

Share any Discovery related information from other SILS groups



All Chairs: Nothing of note yet


Update: Operation’s thoughts on issue tracking

Review how Operations/Steering wants subteams to track issues.

If it’s on our own, decide method based upon ease and without having to reinvent the wheel.

Gem Stone-Logan

“Should everyone be doing it the same way?

If so, what are our options.

If not, can we use GitHub, and is there a .org account or do we make a new one?”

This is still in progress.


Update: Deduplication testing from Wednesday Meeting

Discuss results of testing and next steps.


  •  All: Do local testing using Josh’s examples (Slack), and others, to provide more data for the ExL tickets.

Josh’s example from Slack:
The local DFG at UCLA has been discussing three problems with Primo. Two of these may be related to the deduplication issue, so I'm not sure if I should just put these in the parking lot or add them to the agenda, which looks pretty full already. Some context: we have deduplication turned on and we have it configured to prefer the electronic records. At the moment, the deduplication problems appear to be inconsistent.

Problem 1: Primo is not always showing the print holdings for deduped records.Example:
Primo shows you that the print version is available at 2 locations. However, it won't display the actual holdings for the print location.

Problem 2: Primo is favoring a simple microfiche record over a fuller print record.Example:
Primo is showing you the bib info for the microfiche record at UC Irvine's Law Library. The UCLA Law Library has a much fuller record for the print version. Is Primo displaying this because it considers microfiche to be electronic (which we configured Primo to prefer in deduplication)? If not, is there a hierarchy of preferences in Primo deduplication (i.e. if electronic not available, then prefer print next, not microfiche or other formats)?Problem 3: Holdings for Davis Law Library are not displaying

Example 1:
Example 2:
Click on "Other UC Libraries" and click on Davis. The system will display the loading animation (aka diamond parade) and never get the data. Jessica has been untangling the results from Wednesday’s testing here Primo VE Reported Issues


Review Work Handoff

Review handoff sheet and decide next steps.

1st item is exclusion of CDI ebooks.

The phase 4 handoff sheet for Discovery has been added to our shared google drive. The Operations Team recommends we review these tasks and add them to the Confluence workplan as appropriate.

UCI Testing View for excluding CDI eBooks

  •  Sean Claudio will create a testing view with search profiles to compare excluding eBooks from the CDI results. (exclude ebooks from cdi results)
  •  Jessica Kruppa will see if there’s an existing enhancement request for allowing easy active institutions to suppress collections in CDI. If not, create one. (revisit limit by availability)

Standing Item: Review Issues Spreadsheet and Parking Lot.

Spreadsheet is still pending.


Wrap up

Review actions and decisions



Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion:

Discussion Parking Lot / Future Topics



