2 | Tech Com Engagement https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sI5GAZCMFdyXn8UWoOa01dk6N_mjKVXamNUrj2Iizp4/edit | Subgroup A: Need feedback from whole IC group & PPC group on 1. Carlo will ping IC on slack to recruit members. 2-3 members from each group by Thursday 11/12 (Share with GW & CS so they can report it at WG). Outcome: develop document to share with Ex Libris. Timing: TBD by the subgroup. Carlo advises soon to influence test load & training. Ideally, in November before Thanksgiving.
Subgroup B (Tom & Carlo to create a seed document; crowd source rather than creating an official subgroup): Carlo interested in drafting guiding principles for asking Ex Libris questions to get the best response for 2a. Build 2b list of resources over time. Timing: TBD; more flexible. Subgroup C: Likely not an exhaustive list and every idea may not need to be pursued - look for biggest bang for buck. ICs and PPC play a role in improving communication between the 2 groups. Next step: More discussion between PPC and ICs needed. PPC and IC co-chairs to discuss amongst themselves and bring back to Steering on 11/30 to say how they want to address it. From Xiaoli: Big issue is communication between PPC and IC.
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