Versions Compared


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10 10am -1111am


  • Dave Rez, UC Berkeley

  • Derek Sisneros, UC Davis

  • Lai Arakawa, UC Irvine

  • Stephen Gurnick, UCLARoss Anastos, UC Merced

  • Lacey Grawe, UC Riverside

  • Greg Ferguson, UC San Diego

  • Andy Panado, UC San Francisco

  • Marti Kallal, UC Santa Barbara

  • Ryan Schwab, UC Santa Cruz

Not attending

  • Ross Anastos, UC Merced

Discussion items


Desired Outcome








Introductions and Ice breaker



  • Dave: cooking or be retired (and cooking)!

  • Derek: fishing on the side of the Sacramento River

  • Lai: work at the law firm she was at before UC

  • Stephen: flight instructor

  • Lacey: run her own event venue with a friend (she’ll help with the SILS celebration party! :)

  • Greg: Jungle Cruise skipper at Disneyland

  • Andy: a historian, probably a US historian; travel worldwide after retiring, especially Europe. Retire in UK in a cottage.

  • Marti: pursue a JD for the experience and gardening

  • Ryan: garden and grow food; live in the woods



Review the group charge, deliverables, relationship to other groups

Shared Governance chart 



  • Goal is to migrate and go live by July 27, 2021

  • Preparing for Vanguard now; test load data in Aug 2020 for vanguard institutions (UCB, UCLA, UCSD, UCSF, UCSB, CDL)

  • Implementation deadlines are coming from Ex Libris to the Implementation Coordinators. ICs take policy and configuration questions to the PPC and the PPC will direct them to the appropriate group(s), such as Patron Data.

  • PPC is the clearinghouse, traffic coordinator. All requests for decisions go through PPC.

  • Patron Data reports to Implementation Coordinators Group.

  • If a decision is escalated, the group to whom it is escalated owns it. They could further escalate it, resolve it, or return it to the escalator.



Introduce how we’ll make decisions and the methods and tools we’ll use:



  • You will use decision templates to describe each decision needed, its background and other needed information such as risk and benefits, and your final recommendation.

  • Audience for decision documents is leadership, colleagues, your own future reference.

  • Decisions should get made at the lowest possible level.

  • We created a matrix to show possible criteria and methods for making decisions. PM Leads are refining this matrix - stay tuned!

  • Decision methods proposed by the Shared Governance Task Force are:

    • Supermajority for standardization deciding which items to standardize.

    • Consent agenda means your consent is presumed unless no one objects. The group approves the decision and only discusses the decision in depth if someone calls for discussion or objects.

    • Fist-of-Five is a method to take the temperature and surface concerns. It can be used repeatedly and as a final vote.


Team charter

Introduce the Team Charter and assign homework

  • Ensures you have a shared understanding of the group’s goal

  • Documents your shared agreement of how you’ll work together together. Will include your practices and norms.

  • Expectation is that every group will have a Team charter.

  • They do not have to be identical. Feel free to add to the basic template. Make it your own!



  • Team charter is a working document and may take some time to complete and can be adjusted as needed.

  • Will include our practices and norms.

  • Every group will have one. Make it your own!

  • Ideas to get started:

    • Answer the seed questions on the document.

    • Allow time to think about it individually in advance (homework), then come together as a team to agree and complete the charter.

    • What is already working well at your institution for ground rules – bring those to share.

    • Some institutions use a “we” statement in a table in one column followed by “how will we do this” in the column next to it.


Checkin with team & next meeting

  • Confirm members have access to Slack, Shared Drive, Confluence. (See access instructions)

  • Share Virtual meeting etiquette PDF (see Orientation folder)

  • Introduce Confluence for meeting notes and task tracking

  • Confluence will be viewable publicly starting in May. 

  • Choose date for recurring meeting:

    • Mondays 10-11

    • Tuesdays 1-2

    • Other?

  • Decide meeting frequency - weekly or every two weeks?

  • Next meeting: Finish kickoff work; Identify immediate work for the team



Greg Ferguson will schedule a recurring weekly 60min meeting Mondays 10-11.


Parking Lot (capture issues raised during the meeting for discussion at another time)



