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Discussion items








IC’s role in the ExL payment process

Review the ICs role in the ExL payment process and answer any Q’s.

15 (at 2:00)

Chris Shaffer, SILS co-chair

  • A new column has been added to the Go Live Status sheet at the end for ICs to recommend payment to ExL.

  • Günter is responsible for authorizing the payment.

  • If “No”, SILS co-chairs will invite the campus(es) who responded “no” to attend a CoUL meeting to discuss it.

  • If you have questions, contact Chris & Günter.


Communication to all-staff

Respond to any questions about the communication to all-staff about SILS go live:

Two all-staff email templates have been drafted, one to celebrate go-live on July 27 (page 1), and another with delay messaging should your campus need to pivot (page 2).

These were conceptualized as messaging from each UL, however we recognize individual campuses may wish to channel through an alternate communicator who was involved with the SILS project. In the successful launch email on page 1, the customizable areas are:

  • A list of local UC Library Search resources. Your campus’ EUOS rep might be best equipped to add relevant hyperlinks and include any add’l resources.

  • A space to thank staff who played an integral role in the UCLS launch. We recognize there may be some sensitivities in highlighting specific individuals, so customize as you see fit, perhaps in consultation with your leadership team.

We are all optimistic that the delay message template found on page two will be a moot point by this time next Monday. However, it is important to have a backup plan, and it exists as a resource to be easily-customizable by your local implementation team. In the unlikely event that the delay email is sent to your staff early next week, the go-live message should be sent on the new launch date. 

We recognize the enormous crunch you are experiencing in this final week before go-live. If there is a local colleague you feel should be taking the lead on this communication, please forward and invite them to contact us with any questions or concerns.

15 (at 2:30)

Adrian Petrisor, Com Leads

  • EUOS rep is filling in the information for UCM.

  • Neil and Peter are working on it; Peter will send.

  • Jackie will send out the email and UL will send the thank you.

  • UCSC has also added our specific info, and one of our AULs will send out the email on behalf of our UL who is out that week.

  • UCSD - delegated to AUL who will discuss with UL.

  • Ben A will be working with Sangeeta at UCLA to handle the comms part

  • UCI, UCR, and UCSF are working on it. no Q’s.


Q&A (recurring) - urgent questions

Do you have a question to discuss at the meeting? Add it below with your name.

  1. Alison: Another surprise configuration activity for IZs: “Custom linking for Central Index databases”; preferably before (or very close to) PrimoVE golive

    1. Naxos Music + Jazz: replace ‘INSTITUTIONID’ with ‘univportal’

    2. GaleGroup: change <Service_ID> to primo & <Location_ID> with your campus value

    3. Not urgent, but as soon as you have a chance.



Go-Live coordination

  1. Confirm what it means to be “live” on Alma and Primo. See Go Live Status sheet - definitions at bottom of the sheet.

  2. The WG approved the Go Live Decision Plan.

    1. One bullet point was added: “Tuesday, July 27: As each campus goes live on Alma and Primo VE, the IC should post a Slack all-cohort message and update the go live sheet.

    2. PMs to share with ICs that campuses should have a response plan/checklist in the event they do not go live on 7/27 (e.g., remove library website search boxes and links; inform stakeholders, etc.)

  3. Lena will check the actions from IC risk mitigation and flag anything that needs to be done. Done! ICs have been reminded of all actions.

  4. Followup:

    1. Do we need to sign off on Primo environment acceptance before we can make data changes/config changes?

    2. Create a matrix with when you can do configuration changes and data changes: Done!


On #4#3: Response from ExL on when data and configurations can be made

It has always been EXL’s suggestion to not make any changes in Alma (data or configuration) until after all acceptances have been completed. In the case of the UCS, there has however been a demand for making changes to both data and configuration earlier if and when possible. 

In terms of data, the chart is accurate. 

  • Existing Alma campuses can make data changes AFTER Alma data acceptance. 

  • New-to-Alma campuses can make data changes AFTER Fulfillment data acceptance (which happens following their Alma data acceptance and Fulfillment Cutover). 

In terms of configuration changes, it is still EXL’s best suggested practice to make changes only after Alma and Fulfillment data acceptances are complete (the latter applicable for the new-to-Almas). If there any configuration changes made prior to Fulfilment Cutover acceptance, please avoid making any changes that would affect Fulfillment data or its subsequent testing.  

Question: “Do we need to sign off on Primo environment acceptance before we can make data changes/config changes?”

You do not need to sign off on the Primo VE environment before making data and/or configuration changes in Alma – HOWEVER be sure that your Primo VE testers are aware of any changes that you are making in Alma while they are testing and working to accept Primo VE. 


Timeline review / PM update

Stay up to date on timeline / deadlines



Any questions on the timeline?

  • Salesforce:

    • The children under the CDL parent have been moved under the UCS parent account.

    • CDL has also been moved under the UCS parent account (to keep assets and contacts intact).

    • Coming Soon: we will be modifying the NA02/NA04 Alma/Primos to be listed with a Z in front of their names). This is in case they need to open a ticket for their existing environments over the course of the next month. We are hoping to have this Z preface work completed before Go Live or soon after - and Marci will send notification out via Basecamp.

Special meetings

  • If you have a topic for Ex Libris to cover, Request a Special Meeting.

  • Sep 7-10 Analytics workshop:

    • Question from ExL: Is it OK to demo your IZ during the analytics workshop if Q’s arise that relate specifically to your campus' data? (for patron data or financial - no.) ICs will need to see the Qs to know if they can demo the data. (Added to ExLPM agenda to share with IT & ExL 7/20)


Parking lot


  • Post go-live: Decide which IZ(s) to use for the analytics workshop (in addition to the NZ). Nothing will be edited during the demo. One suggestion from the trainer is to use a different IZ each day.

    • Would you like your IZ demo’ed in the analytics workshop? (Polled on slack)

      • Yes: UCB, UCSF, UCSC

      • No: UCR, UCSB

    • ICs will need to see the Qs specific to their campus in advance to know if ExL can demo their IZ to answer the Q.

  • In preparation for the eventual switch from implementation to support (and to Salesforce exclusively), new-to-Alma ICs should consider who should have Salesforce accounts (have it in place before go-live). Understand best practices in opening cases. Ex Libris has a template. See Basecamp post.




Review decisions and actions.
