Stay up to date on timeline / deadlines: Basecamp To-Dos and share FYIs
Final forms and data are due 12/14.
December and June are the most popular months for “go-live”. The servers are shared. There may be jobs running for the institutions who are preparing to go live which slowed down the servers. Is anyone still having slowness problems with extracting data? If so, update your SF case.
Special meeting: 1/28 Scheduled Jobs
SILS staff are eager to start running jobs. This has become a hot topic on Basecamp.
You can’t set up jobs to run automatically during implementation. You have to ask ExL to do it for you.
EXL asked to use the Thurs Jan 28th meeting for this. PMs agreed.
Agenda will be created and posted on/by Jan 14th.
Will cover the scheduled jobs form and how to fill it out, how to request a job to be run, and discussion regarding decisions on NZ jobs and how they affect the IZs.
Subgroup A “expertise” (Carlo, Lynne, Liz M) Deliverable: Create a document by the end of Nov to be shared with ExLibris.
Subgroup B, part 1 “questions how to” (Tom & Carlo, Greg to create a seed document; crowd source)
Subgroup B, part 2 “external resources” (Lakshmi)- Deliverable: build list of resources over time on Confluence so it’s available to all
Subgroup C: PPC and IC co-chairs will bring suggestions to Steering.
Carlo, Tom
Subgroup A: Carlo, Lynne, Liz M. Carlo will write a summary before it goes to Steering. The next Steering meeting is 12/14. Provide edits on subgroup A letter for Carlo by 12/10.
Focus on specific expertise that’s missing and the impact on the project
Avoid singling out any one person
Feedback should be actionable
Did everyone get a chance to edit the doc? Yes.
Subgroup B: Carlo, Tom, Greg. Delayed, but lower priority than A.
Subgroup C: On hold until mid-January.
IC-hosted Printing-palooza meeting
Use an IC meeting for a UC-led printing meeting. Alma campuses will present. Open it to FGs and local staff. Record the meeting.
Report on progress.
Date confirmed: Jan 14 at IC meeting (2-3:30)
Create Zoom meeting (Done! use existing IC meeting)
Identify facilitator: Jeremy, Ramon
Draft talking points: Greg
Draft agenda: Greg
Invite speakers: managed by each Alma campus IC.
Send meeting invite with Zoom link;invite Ex Libris via Marci and cohort members: Tom
Announce meeting (slack, email, etc.): Tom
Add meeting to Confluence meeting page & meeting recordings: Tom
Create a spreadsheet survey to show the kind of printing that is being done at each existing Alma campus: Jeremy, Ramon. Must request access to the sheet.
Tom, Jeremy, Ramon
Jeremy and Ramon are meeting next week to prepare a slide deck (and merch!
Waiting for one more Alma campus to respond to the survey sheet.
Tom Bustos will send a different invite for the 1/14 printing palooza meeting and invite Marci/ExL.
Other / Homework
We will cancel 12/17 meeting if not needed.
Tom Bustos will cancel 12/31 and 12/24 IC meetings.
Q&A (recurring)
Q&A during the IC meeting as a first stop before asking a question on Basecamp.
If it’s time-sensitive, post to slack (IC channel, SILS Chairs are good options)
Nothing today.
Questions for Ex Libris PM (recurring)
Post questions in Basecamp as they come up. It’s open 24/7!
Note: We lose in efficiency and we may lose in translation when questions go through the PMs. When topics come up that should logically go to Basecamp to the Ex Libris consultants, invite an IC (or appropriate person) to take point on that issue.
Parking lot
Reminder about the UC-Alma group as we get closer to test load (great place to post questions!)