We have been assigned to assess the payment criteria and make a recommendation for payment. The deadline for approving payment is May 15th to UCOP, in order to get it available in this fiscal year.
Each IC needs to sign off on agreeing “yes these have been done satisfactorily” or “no they haven’t been done.” deadline
Then we write a report for WG recommending paying or withholding paying.
Then WG approves CDL to send the money.
CDL sends money
Implementation Fee: i. 33% of the Implementation Fee is due on the vanguard implementation kick-off date Description of Deliverable: The vanguard implementation kick-off date marks the completion of the onboarding phase and is the meeting during which the parties commence the vanguard implementation phase. The following activities will have already taken place during the onboarding phase: Delivery of Alma Sandbox with Primo VE; “Getting to Know Alma” training series; Delivery of project Basecamp site; Initial project analysis; High level milestone planning/scheduling; Data migration preparation; 3rd party integration preparation; Implementation readiness checklist.
ii. 33% of the Implementation Fee is due following delivery of the full implementation test load Description of Deliverable: Delivery of the full implementation test load consists of the following deliverables as it relates to the full implementation phase: (i) delivery and receipt of the environment (including access address and credentials), (ii) data migration reports, (iii) provision of test load review instructions.
iii. 34% of the Implementation Fee is due on the Go Live Date. Description of Deliverable: Customer begins using Alma and Primo VE in production, after cutover load of library data to Alma.
The IC’s in attendance concur via a fist-of-five vote it is OK to proceed with the process for the first payment.
Decision priorities
Understand and agree on priority terms
Decisions will be marked with a priority that indicates when we need this by (well before go-live, before go-live, immediately after go-live, well after go-live) etc. ICs need to confirm that this list looks okay for now for use in triaging Decisions.
Neil placed some suggested priority values in some of the Decision pages.
Choose one:
Mandatory before Go-live
Useful before Go-live
Within one year after go-live
Post-live (1-5 years)
Greg: Patron Data chair: I almost had a coronary!!! because many items will be mandatory before Go-live, but need to be decided now!
Lynne: useful to know: People working at home want data cleanup work.
Alison, Susan: priority shouldn't equal a date
Carlo: a little confused, there’s a Priority field, and then a due date field
Alison: what if we took out the 'before golive', then it's just "MANDATORY"
Susan: Is the “due date” driven by contingencies?
Alison: I'm really not thrilled with the ties to 'golive'. it's a distraction from the meaning of priority
Bill: suggested the following for items even higher priority than the Mandatory above. suggests placing a number before the priority values so people know their relative importance and they’re easy to sort. Something like this:
1 - Critical - project can not proceed until decision made
2 - Urgent - some portion of project can not proceed until decision made
3 - etc…
Alison: like Bill's "project MUST have X to go forward." Dates vs priorities vs dependencies
What has to get done in order to go-live? And what doesn’t.
Designate a task as “fundamental” - i.e. has a lot of dependencies.
How many other decisions or tasks does this drive?
Difference between the importance and priorities (priority order).
Mandatory yes or no
then of the mandatory 1-2-3-4 priority
ICs don’t love the list as it’s written, need more discussion!
Caitlin Nelson to take the priority terms back to PPC for more discussion.
Confer with UCB about suitability: Even if it’s technically feasible to separate the records, what is the quality of the records and what happens if they are loaded separately re: “master” records?
Is this right?
The basic assumption of ILSDC seems to be that the NRLF record should be the master record. Not sure that’s the preference.
Who does this?
Ask ExL if each IZ has to go in w/itself. Could UCs mix & match files, eg. part of UCB, then part of UCSB, then rest of UCB….
Questions for Alma/Primo campuses
Get some answers to the topics from the Slack poll
Chairs / other
Network Zone investigation
Discussion of what we learned from the video and readings
What else can we prepare for the 11th? Meeting will be recorded.