Report any major changes in availability / circumstances
Big projects are coming to campuses
Anything issues from Slack, Email, Basecamp that need discussion, action?
Homework from last week: Understand data cleanup timeline for each campus cleaning up their own data. Ask ILSDC group to take this issue and better understand it. Focus on the 4 fields that don’t get wiped.
RSPG meeting with Ex Libris to provide an overview of the RLFs at UC (Cathy, Liz R.)
3-weeks for testing might be a good amount. Campuses are busy with implementing library activities such as page and hold and digitizing materials.
Sep 24 checkin with ICs - draft deadline
We are concerned about the timeline for systemwide decision-making on standardizing: ILSDC
Systemwide standardization decisions & cleanup (PPC, FGs, ILSDC) need to have their test plans and decision-making timeline. What’s working on day 1 go-live governs what decisions to focus on. Look at the RFP for essential requirements to decide what’s critical. This gives us the MVP.
Give the RFP #1s to the vanguard and have them test against them. Seeing which ones are fine vs which ones are wonky will be very instructive as to where to focus energy.
Caitlin Nelson to aggregate all the #1s from the RFP to look at.
Testing and access to the vanguard
What do we want to present/discuss at SILS Chairs meeting on Wednesday Aug 12? Who can present? Invite any guest speakers?
From last week’s notes:
Awareness of what’s happening, who’s doing it, and if any help is needed.
Mini-retrospective on lessons learned with ICs in advance of the official October lessons learned with ExL: schedule post-config form, between Aug 21 and Sep 4.