Check-in / Any new items that has come up over the week
Meeting w/ Comms Leads earlier this week
Next SILS-cohort townhall on Feb 16, EUOS-SC will present on next steps
UC Library Search wordmark / visual materials
UC fonts meeting on Feb 10
End User Outreach local teams
Local campuses will configure their own search configurations after go-live. Training for end users will need to be developed locally.
Q for EUOS: Will there be recommendations/check list for local end user groups for training (similar to Melvyl checklist)?
PM update
PM briefs team on any relevant news from the SILS world
Primo VE configurations:
Primo VE environment will be delivered on Feb 26. Local campuses will be able to test configurations in this environment. There will be a lot of changes during this time, but local campuses will eventually be able to use the environment for training and practice. Will be campus by campus decision (talk to your ICs).
Charge and Deliverables
Clarification about UC audience in “Harmonize Primo VE help pages for a UC audience”
“Harmonize Primo VE help pages for a UC audience”
Does UC audience include students?
Web accessibility
Is there a need for this? Is it more helpful if it’s local? Not all campuses use the Primo VE help page. EUOS work with Discovery locally. Add this to a checklist of what local campuses will have to do.
A lot of the decisions are based on decisions of what other committees are making
Some FAQ will be on SILS site and some in LibAnswers
Other updates
Next EUOS meeting
Draft agenda
If time
For folder of visual materials: what kind of graphics do people need? (ex. photos of people searching, etc.)
Feedback on Comms Plan - how is rollout going at your campus? Is anyone doing anything big on social media with this first push? Is it mostly going to be an email or newsletter item?
How will message #2 look like, will rollout be different in any way? Is there something else you need (graphics?)
What kind of questions are you getting? We can weave it into storytelling, FAQs, content sections. Keep it close to the users language (not the behind the scene language). This might be a subgroup goal/deliverable.
Look at Melvyl checklist
What’s next for subgroups?
Parking Lot
Q: Decisions about configuration: what decisions can local campuses make?