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Zoom: please see Outlook meeting invite.

📢​ Recording of the meeting: forthcoming, see meeting recordings (please note: Zoom-hosted recordings will be available for 120 days after the meeting 🗓​ , after which they are automatically deleted by Zoom).

When you join the meeting, rename your Zoom name to your name + SILS group (Mouseover your participant window, click on the […] dots dropdown to the right of “mute”, choose Rename.)

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Start recording!





Quick announcements



SILS co-chairs update



  • WG charged an Alma Accounts TF on 3/19. Their charge is available in the “Alma Accounts Task Force” folder in the SILS Cohort google drive. Erik Mitchell graciously agreed to chair the group. The group is looking at best practices for managing accounts and how to fairly distribute accounts across campuses and CDL (NZ).

  • How we will manage OA resources in CDI is being reassigned to DOC to create a subgroup for this complex issue with budget and other implications that goes beyond SILS. current decision page on OA/CDI: CDI to manage OA resources (Implementation+Post-live)

  • Looking ahead, SGTF will be joining SILS Chairs on 4/7 to discuss the transition to ongoing shared governance (early thinking).

  • Reminder to reward outstanding group members with a shout-out message on the all-cohort channel.

  • If you would like to nominate someone from your group (or another group) for a letter of appreciation, reach out to Christine and Lena. Criteria: One or more examples of stand-out behavior such as:

    • Sustained excellence and commitment

    • Highly impactful contributions

    • Outstanding leadership 

    • Outstanding ambassadorship 


Timeline review (recurring)

Reminder: Implementation Timeline on Confluence for staff without access to Basecamp.

Awareness of what’s happening / coming soon in the project



  • Alma workshops are continuing. These are discussions and deeper dive into workflows. Attendees should have completed Alma Essentials training beforehand.

    • Suggestion: Review the MVP document to see the critical “day 1” systemwide priorities (the workflows/functions that must be in place at go-live) and review your local campus MVP document, if you have one.

  • 3/25: UC-led special meeting - Fiscal Year-End Planning. Strategies for working in Alma, considering rollover; strategies for reconciliation, invoicing, etc.

  • NEW! 4/22: Ex Libris special meeting on Fiscal Close Period. ExL expects to have your tech freeze dates in time for, or prior to, this meeting. Questions due 4/19.

  • See Ex Libris meetings or Basecamp project meetings for other upcoming meeting topics



  • Alma presents a few ways to handle and store bibliographic information, especially for e-resources.

  • As PPC and the functional groups look into these, one question we'd like to ask is: what is the functional purpose of OCLC numbers for your area?


Liz & Sarah

  • OCLC# is critical to the build as we move to go-live.

  • Post go-live, there are more matching methods than just OCLC#.

  • As PPC and FGs make decisions, they want to ensure they understand the functional purpose of OCLC numbers.

  • What materials/format does this affect?

  • For resource sharing:

    • Users coming in from WorldCat scope will be a guaranteed match for the AFN.

    • CDL looks up the OCLC number before sending things to VDX to get language and other things.

  • HathiTrust (print)

  • Billing

  • Weeding

  • Google books project matches on OCLC # (print)

  • Acquisitions uses OCLC # for bib record ingest, especially via vendor services. For e-content such as ebooks, if they are coming from GOBI, they would have OCLC records. Other e-resources may rely more on CZ records vs. OCLC, although OCLC records may augment for discovery.


CDI models

Awareness of the CDI models and understand next steps.

Fully Flexible v. Easy Active

  1. All institutions in a consortium must use the same model

  2. Fully Flexible - NOT recommended by Ex Libris because:

    1. New Alma campuses will need to do a lot of manual to "activate for search in CDI" for all the collections that have "activate for search in CDI" indicator.

    2. Existing live Alma-Primo campuses will need to continue updating "activate for search in CDI" collections manually.

    3. End users discover smaller set of content in CDI, including full text and A&I databases that are activated and ONLY those that are specifically activated for search in CDI.

  3. Easy Active – RECOMMENDED by Ex Libris because:

    1. New Alma campuses will not need to do a lot of manual work to "activate for search in CDI" for all the collections that have "activate for search in CDI" indicator.

    2. Existing live Alma-Primo campuses that use Fully flexible when switching to Easy Active will not need to maintain/update whether to "activate for search in CDI" or not.

    3. End users can discover the entire index with the exception of those that require subscription to search.

Note: Ex Libris does not have a plan to completely phase out Fully Flexible. Their recommendation, however, is to implement Easy Active in the vast majority of cases due to the efficiency of this model.



  • See slide deck.

  • Discovery FG created a subgroup on how to implement CDI for discovery: Jared Campbell and Ellen Augustiniak.

  • Primary use case for CDI is articles.

  • 2 models for filtering by availability are being used by already-Alma campuses: include everything whether you license it or not vs. user must expand (via a filter) to see additional CDI results.

  • Cons of only including licensed materials:

    • Results beyond the library collection checkbox on the left is ignored by users.

    • Most users never expand the results (only 0.18% of users!)

  • From Stacy: I would bet that people are used to using filters to narrow down, but not expand. Example: Amazon shows you stuff that is not available for purchase, but you can limit the results down. Having to check a box to expand a search is the opposite of what non-library search tools might be doing?

  • Discovery FG’s recommendation is to take the approach of including all results in search and not requiring users to expand results.

  • With Easy Active, all collections are searchable by default and must be deactivated to exclude from search results. Easy Active is likely to increase results sets more than the 15-20% that Fully Flexible CDI does.

  • Recommendation (hypothesis) from Discovery FG:

  • Xiaoli added to the conversation bringing in the NZ considerations. Many collections are not accessible in CDI. Hard for users to know if it’s because we don’t have the collection licensed or some other reason. SCP has cataloged OA resources per policy. We are not missing a lot not using EasyActive.

    • How many consortial customers are using Easy Active?

    • Wary of using Easy Active and being stuck with it.

    • AEFG is looking at troubleshooting for day 1 for CDI. Understanding how data is coming over and understanding how to interpret the data. Critical to get an understanding of the data.

  • Test Load is using Easy Active. This is a chance to test Primo. Review the CDI Collection List for Alma Customers on the ExL website to see if it’s the collections you want or whether they should be turned off.

  • Call for campuses to help test! Ask ICs for feedback on Easy Active and what the user experience is like.

  • From Alison: It sounds like we could choose differently for cutover, but we wouldn't be able to test 'fully flexible' at all during Test Load.

  • Holly is looking at how participants move over in CDI licenses (i.e., which campus licenses which collections)

  • Management of CDI is done by each campus but all campuses must choose the SAME MODEL OF CDI.

  • Do we need a meeting with Ex Libris on CDI? Yes, after we have more information from testing.

  • What are other consortia doing? DFG asked on the Primo list but only heard from one consortia in Australia who is happy with Easy Active.

  • PPC is the right group with the FGs and ELGs to discuss the choice of CDI models (EA vs. FF) further. Need feedback from ICs and testers as well to inform decision-making.

  • Consider resource sharing display - what do we offer for resource sharing? DFG will add this to their testing.

  • DFG will add testing recommendations to systemwide and local testing to explore the CDI model we’ve been given (Easy Active) and the impact on end-users.

Next steps:

  1. Do testing at campuses and in FGs to inform us

  2. Consult with other consortia

  3. Gather our questions for Ex Libris and request a meeting to discuss CDI in more depth.

  • PPC to draft questions for sending to the Alma consortia list to see what flavor of CDI they are using and what their experience has been.
  • PPC to draft timeline for CDI (EA v FF) investigation so we don’t run out of time for making a decision.
  • ICs will ask their campuses to do testing for CDI and to review the CDI Collection List for Alma Customers on the ExL website to see if it’s the collections you want or whether they should be turned off.
  • Discovery FG will consider resource sharing display: what do we offer for resource sharing? DFG will add this to their testing.
  • Discovery FG will add testing recommendations to systemwide and local testing to explore the CDI model we’ve been given (Easy Active) and the impact on end-users.

Communication Operation Leads update (recurring)

Awareness of communications activities.

“This month in SILS” (pilot); request “need to knows” from chairs.

  • If you were speaking at a SILS Town Hall, what’s the one thing your group would want to share?(OK if you don’t have anything).

  • Chairs to share 1 to 2 “need to knows”. Use the SILS Chairs slack channel. Ben will start a thread.


Ben, Adrian

  • Chairs to share 1 to 2 “need to knows” for the april “this month in SILS” edition. Use the SILS Chairs slack channel. Ben will start a thread.

Update on meeting checkin with Ex Libris on 3/22

Awareness of outcome of checkin meeting with Ex Libris and any next steps.

Discuss and Q&A.


Carlo Medina

  • Reminder: The Request a consultant form is now available for you to request an Ex Libris consultant meet with your group at your group meeting. This was an outcome of Carlo, Tom, Lynne, Liz’s meeting with Ex Libris, and was discussed at the SILS Chairs meeting on 2/24. If your group is wrestling with a thorny issue and you need help from Ex Libris to understand the options in Alma/Primo, submit a request.

  • ExL wanted to reinforce not to get stuck before pulling in a consultant or requesting a special meeting. Use either of the forms linked below.

  • ExL meetings on Confluence Ex Libris Meetings has links to both request a consultant and request a meeting forms.


Flagging any significant issues (recurring)



Parking Lot

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Capture important topics for future discussion




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