1. What did we get from Ex Libris in our SILS contract?

Learn more about Alma and Primo VE from Ex Libris documentation.

2. What is our ILS setup going to look like? What modules are included and what aren’t?

3. What services and products will be going away?
Alma/Primo VE will fully replace the current ILS, discovery, and link resolver products at campuses and CDL. Circulation within the UC Libraries is expected to be managed fully within Alma/Primo. Other products may be fully or partially replaced by the SILS including the CDL-managed e-resources ERMS and statistical aggregation.  See Current vs. SILS products.

4. Will Melvyl as the UC union catalog be decommissioned? If yes, when? 
The ability to see all UC holdings and availability in each campus discovery instance will continue in Primo VE. It’s not yet been determined what Primo VE will be named or whether it will be the same name for all campuses. 

5. What happens to Melvyl? How long will we keep OCLC WorldCat Discovery Melvyl? 
The working assumption is CDL will end access to OCLC WorldCat Discovery immediately upon the SILS go-live. For other OCLC-related services, see Melvyl and Related Services in SILS

6. What is the overall timeline?
View the detailed SILS Phase 4 Implementation Timeline & Milestones

7. What is the vanguard and who is in it?
The vanguard taking place between June and November 2020 is a standard phase of migration for Ex Libris consortia. It allows the UC Libraries to test-migrate data from selected institutions into both Institution Zones (one per campus) and a Network Zone (a central collaborative space) before the official migration phase in 2021.

The following campuses are serving as our vanguard institutions:

With this slate of vanguard campuses, we have a  mix of large and small campuses using different library systems, and an opportunity to include the RLFs and CDL. For more information, see this SILS News post.

8. How will decisions be made? Will my campus (will I?) have a voice in decisions?
The SILS phase 4 cohort is empowered to make systemwide implementation and standardization decisions on behalf of the UC Libraries. The cohort is composed of library staff from across the 10 campuses, Regional Library Facilities and CDL, and includes both representational (i.e., all ten campuses and CDL) and expertise-based groups.

As part of the decision-making process, phase 4 cohort members will consult with their colleagues, locally and systemwide, to collect pertinent information and ensure the necessary perspectives are considered during decision-making. To review the decision-making mechanisms and workflows in use by the SILS cohort, please see pages 9-12 of the shared governance structure document.

As well: Follow decision-making and discussions within the dedicated workspaces for each Cohort group. A roll-up of all SILS decisions can be found here. If you have a question about a decision, contact your campus representative within each group.

Do you have a question for the SILS project team? Ask it here