Melvyl and Related Services in SILS

Melvyl and Related Services in SILS

At a glance

  • Discovery: OCLC WorldCat Discovery is replaced by Ex Libris Primo VE.

  • Union catalog: WorldCat Discovery is replaced by Alma.

  • ILS: Local ILS is replaced by Ex Libris Alma (one institution zone per campus + 1 network zone managed by CDL)

  • Fulfillment within UC: Fulfillment within UC is managed in Alma and replaces Request.

  • Fulfillment outside UC (Interlibrary loan): No change

  • Link resolver: Ex Libris SFX (UC-eLinks) is replaced by Ex Libris Alma link resolver

  • ERMS: CDL replaces ProQuest 360 with Ex Libris Alma (This is not a one-to-one replacement so additional products may still be required to meet ERM needs)

  • UC continues to submit holdings to OCLC to support ILL with libraries worldwide (i.e., WorldShare ILL)

  • UC continues to license Connexion to search the OCLC WorldCat database for cataloging and metadata management.

  • UC continues to license FirstSearch (provided it’s affordable and there’s demand.)


Current Product

SILS Product

When will access end? (working assumption)



Current Product

SILS Product

When will access end? (working assumption)


Discovery (Melvyl)

OCLC WorldCat Discovery (WCD)

Ex Libris Primo VE

Immediately at SILS go-live

Currently managed by CDL. Currently, all 11 WCD Melvyl instances (10 campuses + CDL) are configured the same to facilitate a consistent user experience and for easier support by CDL. Post go-live, each campus will manage their own Primo VE.

Union catalog (Melvyl)

Ability to see all UC holdings and availability from any instance

OCLC WorldCat Discovery (CDL Melvyl instance + 10 campus Melvyl instances)

Ex Libris Alma (Network Zone + 10 campus institutional zones)

Immediately at SILS go-live

Managed by CDL. Why end access immediately upon SILS go-live? As soon as campuses move to Alma, the existing connections between campus ILS and WCD Melvyl instance will break. WCD will be unable to connect to the new Alma instances to get live location or availability data (‘is item checked out?’) making WCD Melvyl obsolete. Post go-live, each campus will manage their own Alma IZ and CDL will manage the Network Zone in collaboration with campuses.

Fulfillment within UC/Consortial borrowing (Request)

CDL’s homegrown Request service

Ex Libris Alma (fulfillment)


Fulfillment/ILL outside UC 



N/A, access continues

Managed by CDL and campuses. OCLC states Tipasa will eventually replace VDX. No timeline.

Link resolver & e-resource knowledge base  (UC-eLinks)

Ex Libris SFX

Ex Libris Alma

CDL & campuses will have 3 months post-go-live continuation access until 11/27/21.

Managed by CDL and campuses. Ex Libris developed a “CDL plugin” to allow SFX and Alma link resolvers to talk to each other. UC is the sole institution in this hybrid situation and Ex Libris is eager to move everyone onto Alma and eliminate this one-off, patchwork development work.

ERMS for CDL-managed e-resources (CDL ERMS portal)

ProQuest 360 Resource Manager

Ex Libris Alma

TBD. CDL & campuses will have 3 months post-go-live continuation access until 11/27/21.

Managed by CDL. Additional products may still be needed to manage usage statistics and for complex licensing and workflow needs.

Look up monograph holdings at campuses

OCLC Availability Query (AQ) service (custom development for UC Libraries)

Not needed (all holdings will be in the same system, Alma)

Immediately at SILS go-live

Campuses submit LHRs to OCLC for serials only. AQ service looks up monograph holdings (which campuses & where at campus) and availability (is it on the shelf) in campus ILS. The AQ service has performed poorly for years and CDL is eager to stop using it. Likewise, OCLC is eager to stop supporting this one-off service.

Submit holdings to OCLC to support ILL with libraries worldwide

campuses submit LHRs to OCLC

campuses submit LHRs to OCLC

N/A, continues

Managed by campuses. Campuses currently submit only serials LHRs. Would campuses submit monograph LHRs also after moving to Alma/Primo? Does anyone at UC Libraries use this service: OCLC Local Holdings Maintenance Service?

OCLC WorldCat library catalog database

OCLC Connexion 

OCLC Connexion

N/A, access continues

Managed by campuses. Staff tool to access the WorldCat library catalog database.

FirstSearch (search interface to WorldCat library catalog)

OCLC FirstSearch

OCLC FirstSearch (provided CDL continues to license it)

N/A, access continues

CDL Shared Acquisitions manages this license. Used primarily by ILL, collection management staff, and power users.

OCLC WorldCat library catalog (freely available)

OCLC WorldCat.org

OCLC WorldCat.org

N/A, access continues

Discovery interface for the world’s largest library catalog; open to the world

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Managed by campuses


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