2024-04-05 Meeting notes

2024-04-05 Meeting notes




  • Gem Stone-Logan, California Digital Library

  • Jared Campbell, UC Davis

  • Douglas Worsham, UC San Diego

  • Joe Ameen, UC Merced

  • Zoe Tucker, UC Los Angeles

  • Jessica Kruppa, UC Riverside

  • Jackie Gosselar, UC Berkeley

  • Michael Craig, UC Santa Barbara


  • Jess Waggoner, UC Santa Cruz

  • Sean Claudio, UC Irvine 

  • Zach Silveira, UC San Francisco


Meeting Recording: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1HHdEBRm0_L3LJICWgH_X-nSIG-jReKkR


Est Time

Desired Outcome


Decisions / Discussion



Est Time

Desired Outcome


Decisions / Discussion



Sharing and Updates


Share any Discovery related information from other SILS groups


  • SILS newsletter was emailed out


  • Gathering agenda items for support meeting (including the IP blocking that UCR experienced)

    • Jesse provided an update of what happened with UCR: Ex Libris saw “suspicious activity” from an IP and blocked it. However, the IP turned out to be UCR’s VPN so they blocked everyone, not just the suspicious activity and never told UCR. UCR was getting inundated with tickets and had no idea what was going on. Request to Ex Libris is to inform the campus so the campus can work with them rather than blocking everyone.

  • Draft of SILS Membership Transition Subgroup Charge for 2024 reviewed and OT approved the revisions (which is being sent to LG as an FYI)

  • Discussion of who does the work after project teams make recommendations

  • For Alma enhancements, have decided not to vote in round 1 but will wait for the next round of voting

  • UCSC’s OpenAthens implementation went well


  • RM: met with a group from CDL to work on a new ETD process

  • RSOST: considering changes to the AFN process around barcodes to make things less confusing for users. They’re planning to put together a subgroup of Resource sharing, fulfillment, and RLF representatives to make a recommendation.

  • Discussed Taylor & Francis situation

Accessibility update:

  • Our group met this morning and we feel like we’ve put in a lot of time and effort for very little response from Ex Libris. We’re recommending escalation. We’ll report back on how it goes so people can see if this process is worth pursuing with other vendors.




Slack/General Questions



UCR: Have any of the campuses really looked into the FRBR keys? We're having trouble with the Author + Title matching causing weird FRBRized groups in Primo. Our Captain America comic collections are being problematic. I've been dealing with weird deduplication and FRBR clusters I have this wonderful cluster where Primo stuck a book into the FRBR cluster based solely on an Author + Title key (Marvel Comic Groups + Captain America).I know that the NZ offers a layer of complexity, I was just wondering if anyone's ever done any kind of thought experiment of how we might improve the FRBR keys and improve matching. (edited) 

  • Jesse will come up with a proposal and we’ll try it out in the NZ sandbox. If it looks promising, we’ll look into adding this to our formal work plan to involve other stakeholders (such as RM OST).

  • There was some concern about whether adding customized FRBR keys will reduce the support level we get from Ex Libris. If our initial sandbox testing merits additional effort, we’ll make sure to include this in the discussion.

UCI: FYI about being able to check NERS voting results

  • Related: it looks like the enhancement we voted for is already planned for the Next Discovery Experience. Before round 2 the user group will be discussing with Ex Libris the implications so we should have more info before the next round of voting.

CDL: Let Gem know if you need any Primo VE tickets escalated by April 15.

  • Reminder: it is also fine to escalate less “important” tickets that are just getting answered very slowly.







Our second meeting in May falls on the same week as ELUNA. Can we move this meeting to May 24 instead?

  • Group agreed to move the meeting to May 24.




Admin/Membership Transition



New Year Prep:

  • Jared and I have found it helpful to have a steering committee with another person to bounce ideas off of. Any concerns with us continuing this next year?

    • This got folded into the proposed updated charter roles (below) and we’ll come back to it next time.

  • Proposed updated charter roles

    • Please take a look, we’ll discuss this more next time.

Next Year:

  • Jared will be chair next year!

  • Please let Gem know if you plan to transition off this group

  • Please let Gem know if you’re interested in being vice-chair or on the steering committee.

    • Tentative plan is to vote for vice chair in May and steering committee member in June.




Electronic Collection Public Note







Exclude CDI eBooks



We ended the meeting a few minutes early to allow time to refamilarize ourselves with what we have so far.




Upcoming Meetings



Future Meetings:

  • Discuss the accessibility spreadsheet results

    • If Ex Libris shared more of the actual changes they made, we wouldn’t be as surprised when our customizations are impacted.

    • UCB has someone who might be able to meet with our group to look at this more

May 8 - Next Primo VE release meeting

2nd May meeting - Vote for vice chair

June meeting - for for steering committee member (?)




Parking Lot








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