Jharina Pascual, Chair, UCI
Michelle Polchow, UCD
Sherry Lochhaas, CDL
Jeremy Whitt, Vice-Chair, UCLA
Carla Arbagey, UCR
Sarah Sheets, UCM
Katie Keyser, UCSF
Judy Keys, UCSD
Tamara Pilko, UCSC
Not in attendance:
Natalee Bell, UCSB
Jason Dezember, UCB
Meeting documents:
Meeting Recording & Chat (link to file in Google Drive)
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |||
1 | Record: Jharina Announcements: | Share announcements | 15 min | Note taker/Actions: Jeremy Whitt CDL updates : EBSCOhost has a new UI, but UC campuses will not automatically migrate on January 7. More details forthcoming from Sherry. NZ principles document: Hello Colleagues,
As you know, a workteam comprised of OST and Project Team members has been working on investigating Network Zone policies and procedures since March 2024. Recently the first draft of the Network Zone Principles was published while the team took a break to clarify some governance procedures. As a result of discussions during that break, the SILS Operations Team has decided to take the lead in guiding this work.
Making new policy and practice decisions about the Network Zone will take time and involve feedback from many stakeholders. While the future will hold discussions of logistics, workflows, and permissions, right now we’d like to focus only on the ideas and principles that will shape that work.
Operations Team is therefore requesting a temperature check from all SILS Cohort members to see if we are on the right track.
Please fill out the following form by 12pm Tuesday Nov 5th: https://forms.gle/TpyNtZGw9BxEiXdc8
You will be prompted to read the draft of the Network Zone Principles and respond to the following prompt: “As a representative of your campus in your area of expertise, would you recommend your campus endorse and follow these principles?” There will be a rating of 1-5 (with 5 being the most confident) to fill out, as well as a comments section. The feedback will go directly to the Operations Team Steering Committee for initial analysis.
Let us be clear: no decision is being made to vote on the Network Zone Principes at this time. OT-SC recognizes that there is further need for feedback on this document before any commitments are made.
Thank you for your time and consideration, please contact OT Chair and Vice Chair Sarah Lindsey (sjlindse@ucsc.edu) and Lakshmi Arunachalam (arunachs@uci.edu) for any questions. | All: Completehttps://forms.gle/TpyNtZGw9BxEiXdc8 by Tuesday, 11/5. All: Review https://www.ebsco.com/resources/new-ebscohost-user-interface & https://roadmap.ebsco.com/ | ||||
2 | Updates on previous workplans | Updates on previous workplans | 20 min | Tamara Pilko will see where we're at with https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/wiki/x/GgDjgw: CRL issue is paused for now. We are trying to coordinate a meeting between Ex Libris and CRL to talk through the issue. Carla Arbagey will revisit https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/wiki/x/B4CwhQ: Implementation may be a local decision. Are there instances at campuses where certain resources are restricted to a certain IP address range (and do not use username/password authentication)? May be an issue for Discovery as well. Judy Keys will work onBest Practices: Recording Perpetual Access in Alma Goal is to have a best practice page for how to record perpetual access in Alma (e.g. find redacted licenses and package details, steps for recording access in Alma) Still determining what the best practice is. There are several ways this could be done. Should we all be approaching it the same way and are we making a recommendation? Decision page was decided as “use local practices”. Paula Pascual will work on Best Practices: Title Platform Transfers On a best practice page, how far do we go in telling people what to do in Alma or in general? Audience could be those unfamiliar with an issue. All; review Perpetual rights and entitlement tracking in Alma DRAFT Paula Pascual is reorganizing this page. Has a helpful summary of where we can find related information. | Jharina, Jeremy, Sam (UCD) can attend the meeting re: CRL. | Carla Arbagey will share a spreadsheet to poll each campus on https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/wiki/x/B4CwhQ . Based on findings, we will determine how to collaborate with Discovery. Michelle Polchow will work with Judy Keys on Best Practices: Recording Perpetual Access in Alma . All: review this page and email comments or suggestions to Paula Pascual Perpetual rights and entitlement tracking in Alma DRAFT | |||
3 | Wrapping up workplan discussions for 2024-25 |
| 10 min | CDL/Campus E-Resources Workflow/Record Structure workplan item: Sherry is working with Acquisitions on some of this; a lot of testing needs to be done, Are campuses using ticketing systems? Not all campuses have a ticketing system. Responses to this question included: using LibAnswers, a generic or shared email, internal work systems, and ZenDesk. A possible aspirational item: could we have a unified ticketing system? How will new ExL contract help us, as customers using NZ, and how will we get new information and updates? Perhaps a topic for OT. New workstream improvement plan: UC working with ExL to review problems and create a plan to improve them. What can be done better for us, especially regarding communication? | CDL/Campus E-Resources Workflow/Record Structure item is on hold for now. No need to change meeting frequency, no need for steering committee at this point. | ||||
4 | Standing Item: ExLibris Support Tickets (UC/ExL mtg, monthly on 3rd Friday: agenda) | Info Share | 5 min | any outstanding items from the last support meeting? any items to add to this month’s agenda? | |||||
5 | Standing Item: Reviewing ExLibris updates and releases | Info Share | 1-5 min | Links to Sources of ExLibris Updates/Release Notes
| |||||
6 | ELUNA Analytics CoP: Consortia Project - Ask for Feedback | Campus feedback on use cases document by Dec 12 | 5 min | Lisa Wong asks that each campus indicate if use cases apply: Use cases for expanding Portfolio Details for Consortia folder if use case not listed, leave a comment stating use case and what fields are needed. | Tamara Pilko will email group with a request to take a look at these scenarios, and provide feedback whether we would use these reports or if there are Analytics fields that don’t exist. | ||||
7 | Wrap Up + Action Items | Review action items and next steps | 5 min | ||||||
8 | Parking Lot | Capture important topics for future discussion: | |||||||
9 | Total | 60/60 |