CRL records in Alma/Primo (DRAFT)

CRL records in Alma/Primo (DRAFT)

Owning group


Type of documentation


As-of date

Jun 5, 2024


ERES Policy

As of 6/5/2023 - CRL staff (Amy Wood) are in contact with ExLibris Support and working to correct the metadata feed for the CRL Catalog collection. UCLA Case#06798415 still open.

ExLibris changed the CRL Catalog collection to a zero-title database with CDI records. Unfortunately the CDI records do not contain any serials sent by CRL. ExL claims that the serials were not added to CDI because some records lack URLs. The format specific collections have portfolios for all content, except the CZ records are very brief. The format specific collections do not have CDI records. ExL may be working on indexing them in CDI, but the timeline is unclear. ERES would prefer to have all content as CDI records in the CRL Catalog collection to avoid activating thousands of CZ portfolios.

When this work is complete, ERES will make a recommendation for the activation of which CRL collection(s) to ensure that records are surfaced for UC users


Phase 4 RMFG (post go-live) CRL records in Primo

Prior to the migration RMFG had a recommendation to potentially activate the CRL Catalog collection in order to recreate the discovery environment we had for CRL resources in Melvyl. Consulted with UCLA RMCMOS rep, Hermine Vermeij, and we agreed that while this originally started as a RMFG decision, since it was dealing with CZ collections, it seemed like a question for ERES.

Notes from SILS ERES discussion:

After some review, I think there’s the following breakdown of resources in the various CRL CZ collections: 

  1. CRL Monographs/Newspapers/Serials (both OA and non-OA): These collections seem to contain titles that have been digitized and are available for CRL members (or everybody for the OA collections). These all contain portfolios, but aren’t indexed in the CDI.

  2. CRL Catalog: This looks to be just for titles that haven’t been digitized, so are available for members to ILL. This collection only has two portfolios, but has millions(?) of titles indexed in the CDI. 

  3. CZ collections in Alma:

    1. CRL Catalog

    2. CRL Monographs

    3. CRL Newspapers

    4. CRL Open Access Monographs

    5. CRL Open Access Newspapers

    6. CRL Open Access Serials

    7. CRL Serials

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