RMFG (post go-live) CRL records in Primo

RMFG (post go-live) CRL records in Primo

Legend: not started IN PROGRESS STALLED decided




post go-live


Decide how to ensure CRL records are surfaced for UC users


see below

Owning group





C = Discovery, Fulfillment
I = TSELG, campuses

Decision-making process




Due date

Aug 3, 2021


  • Campuses with a CRL membership can activate the CRL collection in the CZ: “CRL Catalog.” RMFG recommends campuses to consult with their local teams in order to decide whether activating the CZ collection is desirable.

  • Fulfillment and Discovery groups continue testing and gathering feedback as they are able to see what adjustments need to be made

  • Strongly recommend against actively managing CRL records in Alma or Primo without further investigation and testing



Because the UCs are using “EasyActive,” the CRL records are in Primo no matter what we do. Activating the CZ collection should help boost them in results so that users can find them more easily. Adding records to Alma for these would create an undue burden for maintenance and, given that the CDI records are not easily (if at all) de-duped against Alma records, would create duplication in Primo. Loading the records directly into Primo is an option but also raises questions of maintenance that are especially problematic given that the UCs do not actively hold all of the CRL resources, nor do they have the bandwith to try to manage them.

One area of concern is the records for print: activating the collection in the CZ will not boost records for print in the same way it will e-resources. For libraries that have “limit by availability” set up as the default, users will likely have to click “expand my results” to view CRL print resources. RMFG would like to get more detailed feedback from FFG and Discovery before pursuing non-CDI options.



Most of the UC campuses pay for access to CRLs collection. In Melvyl these were surfaced for users by adding the CRL OCLC holdings symbol to our search scope. TSELG asked RMFG to recommend the best way to ensure that users are still able to find and request these resources in Primo



Questions to consider




Rely on CDI

Activate CRL collection in CZ

  • If Primo is set to “limit by availability” by default, print CRL items will not show up unless users check “expand my results”

  • EasyActive means that the CDI records will be “on” no matter what

Load records into Primo

Use an import profile to load records (on an ongoing basis)

  • Who maintains these? 

  • How do we check for updates?

  • Edits/deletes are difficult

  • Would need to be loaded into the NZ

Load records into Alma

Import profile

  • Who maintains these? 

  • How do we check for updates?

  • Do we want to run into CRL records in Alma

  • Would need to be loaded into the NZ

  • Print resources that don’t duplicate existing UC holdings would have no inventory


Action Log

Action/Point Person

Expected Completion Date



Action/Point Person

Expected Completion Date



RMFG draft



in progress

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