2023-06-22 Meeting notes

2023-06-22 Meeting notes


  • Jharina Pascual, (acting vice-chair) UCI

  • Michelle Polchow, Chair, UCD

  • Sherry Lochhaas, CDL

  • Natalee Bell, UCSB

  • Kevin Balster, UCLA

  • Jason Dezember, UCB

  • Carla Arbagey, UCR

  • Sarah Sheets, UCM

  • Katie Keyser, UCSF

  • Judy Keys, UCSD

Not in attendance:

  • Tamara Pilko, Vice Chair, UCSC (on leave)

  • Sarah Lindsey, UCSC (substituting for Tamara)

Meeting documents:
Meeting Recording & Chat (link to file in Google Drive)


Desired Outcome









Desired Outcome









Record: Michelle


Share announcements


5 min


Note taker: Kevin
Timekeeper: Sarah Sheets

  • Kevin to bring Jeremy Whitt next meeting for transition/introduction

  • MP: no discussion at All Chairs. Will follow up with Caitlin regarding notification of members cycling off/on






CDL announcements

NZ Task Force or other activities

10 min

@Sherry Lochhaas

  • SL (CDL): NZ task force finished edits to report, waiting for final review. Coming out soon

  • working on creating order records

  • still up in the air what procedures to do in Alma vs. prior practice. Won’t make major changes to recharge process without input/ discussion from campuses

  • spending lots of final money. new products coming soon

  • setting up a lot of new ebook packages

  • Cancellations - deactivating vs. deleting and how to manage bib records?

    • MP: deactivate expired Kanopy titles since they might be renewed later. delete everything otherwise

    • JK: delete everything. usually keep but suppress bib as a place to hang POLs on. not necessary since free POLs are o.k., but most people continue to use all titles search

    • CA: need to check with Acq rep

    • JP: keep anything with POL, but deactivate and suppress. do delete portfolios since POL will be attached to collection

    • JD: finishing 2600 title cancellation project

    • MP: might need to take into account possibility of collection being reinstated in later years

    • SL (CDL): might need to take into account whether using base CZ collection or if there was a lot of customized work.

    • KK: unsure. generally delete one-off titles

    • NB: almost always delete.

    • SS: usually delete

  • JD: how to manage relationship between CDI and CZ portfolio bibs which are often terrible.

    • Harvard wiki and SUNY might have some relevant documentation

  • NB: got message from Gobi about some Oxford titles that might be part of upcoming CDL collection

    • SL: got message from Oxford that access should be up. Just don’t have the records yet. contact CDL if you don’t actually have access






CRL community zone activation for member campuses

New SILS ERES deliverable:

RMFG had a recommendation from phase 4

Phase 4 Recommendation - communication & follow-up

10 min

@Kevin Balster

  • @Kevin Balster to follow up with ExL and CRL to try to get more information






Future deliverables






Review deliverables

Administrative assignments



20 min


  • came to natural pause on authentication. UCR license for OpenAthens still being reviewed, and UCSC still in initial stages of Open Athens review.

  • Michelle created decision page for post-go-live decision for CRL






Wrap Up


Summer Calendar -

Review actions and decisions


Decision regarding continued weekly meetings/ bi-weekly

No meeting - week of 7/6

10 min


  • No meeting first week of July

  • spend a few weeks to revisit Team Charter

  • can update e-resources troubleshooting communication page with Community Slack channel and CDL’s new ticketing system

    • CA: worth updating, but might need more consideration. like who is authorized to submit tickets to ExL

    • JP: limit users due to how much background work needs to be done before reporting to ExL

  • still waiting for All-Chairs to discuss multi-part e-collections, then next up would be licensing decision

  • no agenda for next meeting. open drop-in session






Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion:






















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