2023-03-16 Meeting notes - ACQ + ERES

Attendees - ERES

  • Jharina Pascual, (acting vice-chair) UCI

  • Sarah Sheets, UCM 3

  • Kevin Balster, UCLA

  • Michelle Polchow, Chair, UCD 5

  • Judy Keys, UCSD

  • Carla Arbagey, UCR 5

  • Katie Keyser, UCSF

  • Sherry Lochhaas, CDL

Not in attendance:

  • Natalee Bell, UCSB

  • Jason Dezember, UCB

  • Tamara Pilko, Vice Chair, UCSC (on leave)

  • Sarah Lindsey, UCSC (substituting for Tamara)

Attendees - ACQ

  • Lisa Spagnolo, UC Davis - 3

  • Stacy McKenna, UC Los Angeles (Chair)

  • Erika Quintana, UC Riverside (Vice Chair) - 3

  • Judy Keys, UC San Diego

  • Susan Boone, UC San Francisco

  • Maricel Cruz, UC Santa Barbara 3

  • Lisa Mackinder, California Digital Library

Not in attendance:

  • Osman, Celik, UC Berkeley

  • Laura Fouladi, UC Irvine

  • Hiroko Acker, UC Santa Cruz 


Meeting documents:
Meeting Recording & Chat (link to file in Google Drive)


Desired Outcome








Desired Outcome








Record: Michelle


Share announcements


5 min


Note taker: Kevin
Timekeeper: Sarah Lindsey





Progress Report for SILS ACQ + ERES

Leadership recommendation for a call to action by ACQ + ERES campus representatives


ACQ + ERES Meeting Slides

40 min

@Michelle Polchow @Stacy McKenna @Erika Quintana @Paula Pascual

  • Meeting slides:

    • Background info on how we got here: AEFG, CDL-NZ Task Force

    • CDL-NZ Task Force Needs Assessment

    • Needs assessment outside scope of CDL-NZ Task Force / SILS

    • Overview of original SILS Principles

    • Desired outcome

    • Proposed action plan

    • Proposed actions for individual members on “Next steps” slide

      • have ACQ & ERES campus reps. talk to their DOC rep

  • Q’s/comments:

    • LS: reminder: transition from Phase 4: AEFG crafted impact statement highlighting complexities of e-resources and pushed for additional attention to staffing, but didn’t get traction.

    • LS: In recent CDL-NZ update: signal a work group continuing through fiscal year to ensure POLs in NZ that reflect CDL resources

    • SM in chat: The messaging I'm hoping to convey in case it's a useful template: Our teams are repeatedly encountering barriers to accomplishing SILS missions that require changes to organizational structure, culture, or resource allocation that we can't authorize. Many of these changes are politically charged and likely need involvement of CoUL or even UCoP to be implemented. We are hoping for leadership to prioritize the desired systemwide outcomes (including which can be discarded) and spearhead change management that will give campus and CDL units adequate agency to make progress in areas where Alma's technological capabilities and campus level structures like AP systems can accommodate those outcomes.

    • LM: are we asking for CDL votes?

      • Yes

    • LM: context on specific vote?

      • MP: vote would be for COUL to commission a project for analysis and design improvements as a one-time effort. Purported changes would require effort far above SILS' authority

    • SL: if needed work falls outside SILS structure, who would be responsible for authoring report and gathering feedback

      • MP: DOC just requests document requesting the group.

      • SM: Tom Bustos might be able to help with request, but need real-world examples encountered in day-to-day operations

      • MP: initial report would be written by ACQ and ERES leads

      • SL: want to make sure everybody’s input would be heard

    • SL: comment: CDL-NZ group wasn’t asked for input ahead of time on slides covering CDL-NZ group

    • KB & SB: maybe have two votes: one for approving initial draft of proposal for DOC, and one for individual reps. to compile issues to add to report

    • MP: approval for two votes?

      • one for DOC talking points, that can be shared with ACQ & ERES members

      • one for review of SOT’s document with ability to comment (not edit)

    • LM: Will group have chance to comment on proposal after going through Tom’s group?

      • MP: individuals will have control over what they convey to their local DOC rep

    • SL: can we have written statement on what exactly we’re voting for?

      • MP: yes, can handle via email

Fist of Five vote:

  • Michelle Polchow, Chair, UCD

  • Stacy McKenna, UC Los Angeles (Chair)

  • Jharina Pascual, (acting vice-chair) UCI

  • Erika Quintana, UC Riverside (Vice Chair)


  • Jason Dezember, UCB (absent)

  • Sarah Lindsey, UCSC

  • Judy Keys, UCSD

  • Carla Arbagey, UCR

  • Katie Keyser, UCSF

  • Sherry Lochhaas, CDL

  • Sarah Sheets, UCM

  • Kevin Balster, UCLA

  • Natalee Bell, UCSB (absent)


  • Osman, Celik, UC Berkeley

  • Lisa Spagnolo, UC Davis

  • Laura Fouladi, UC Irvine

  • Judy Keys, UC San Diego

  • Susan Boone, UC San Francisco

  • Maricel Cruz, UC Santa Barbara - 3

  • Hiroko Acker, UC Santa Cruz 

  • Lisa Mackinder, California Digital Library





Items of Concern


Information Sharing

20 min







Wrap Up

Review actions and decisions

3 min







Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion:




















The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu