2022-06-16 Meeting notes
Carla Arbagey, UCR
Tamara Pilko, Vice Chair, UCSC
Kevin Balster, UCLA
Sherry Lochhaas, CDL
Sarah Sheets, UCM
Jharina Pascual, UCI
Michelle Polchow, Chair, UCD
Judy Keys, UCSD
Jason Dezember, UCB
Not in attendance:
Natalee Bell, UCSB
Katie Keyser, UCSF
Meeting documents:
Meeting Recording (link to file in Google Drive)
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions |
| |
1 | Record: Michelle CDL NZ Task Force - updates to announce |
| 5 min |
| Notetaker: @Carla Arbagey CDL NZ: setting up deadlines and making progress, should have items for our group in a few weeks |
2 | NERS | Input on voting | 20 min | @Michelle Polchow |
| These items may have some use for our work however nothing jumps out as fixing a major pain point. Consider advocating for Line 22 as it helps multiple units. |
3 | Work Plan item: Sharing of E-resource Licensing Information across UC [Phase 4 delegated] | Discussion and outline possible solutions | 10 min | @Carla Arbagey @Judy Keys @Sherry Lochhaas | The ERES Work Plan Create a shared storage space where the entire license documents for UC Tier 1-3 e-resource licenses can reside, so that we can compare terms obtained previously within the system. It would be of additional benefit to be sharing information about license negotiations that have failed and reasons why. Make tier 3 licenses visible to all campuses. Is this viable? perhaps better to focus on facilitating communication around licensing. Leverage the listserve for licensing dialogue. Are there issues with sharing specific negotiated license terms among campuses? Need to find out legal ramifications, if any.
Licensing - AEFG Handoff Document CDL Redacted License agreements How to share local campus licenses with others Licensing listserv hosted by UCD | Licensing discussion subgroup:
| @Sherry Lochhaas will inquire after CDL-hosted licensing listserv for the UCs E-res team will recommend decommissioning using of the current UC Davis listserv E-Res team will figure out communication to other stakeholders re needs, best practices, and reconfiguration of new listserv @Natalee Bell to contact Lisa Mackinder regarding legal ramifications of sharing license information over listserv [e-mailed] |
4 | UCOP E-Resources Template | Review | 15 min | @Michelle Polchow | New SLACK #Analytics channel Campus Contacts for Statistics June 3, 2022 - UC-Wide Analytics for UCOP Statistics (recording & slides) UCOP FY21 Statistics Reporting (website) UCOP ERES Template PPT (ERES) Discussion of UCOP Schedule A 2a-b: serials title counts: see UCSC’s analytic at Shared Folders/Community/Reports/Institutions/UC Santa Cruz/UCOP Reports - UCOP schedule A, CDL holdings for lines 2a, 2b | Strongly recommend using the UC Santa Cruz analytic for filling out UCOP Schedule A 2a,b for this year | For next few meetings - to cover some best practices for getting NZ |
5 | Round Robins | Information sharing | if time | All |
| keep sending Nature journals issues to Helpline |
6 | Wrap Up | Review actions and decisions | 5 min |
7 | Parking Lot | Capture important topics for future discussion: |
8 |
| Total | 60/60 |
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