2022-03-10 Meeting notes


  • Michelle Polchow, Chair, UCD

  • Carla Arbagey, UCR

  • Tamara Pilko, Vice Chair, UCSC

  • Kevin Balster, UCLA

  • Jharina Pascual, UCI

  • Judy Keys, UCSD

  • Natalee Bell, UCSB

  • Lisa Mackinder, CDL

  • Sherry Lochhaas (former UCB/future CDL)

  • Jason Dezember, UCB

Not in attendance:

  • Katie Keyser, UCSF

  • Sarah Sheets, UCM

Meeting documents:
Meeting Recording (link to file in Google Drive)


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Quick Announcements



Update on Ex Libris trainings following experiential use of system

Work plan review - homework



Notetaker: Jharina

Time Keeper: Lisa

Actions: Sherry



ERES Work Plan
Acquisitions Phase 4 hand-offs
AEFG Handoff Documents

  • ExL training issue being investigated by @Michelle Polchow


@Michelle Polchow future Ex Libris campus site visit post-go-live
  • All: Review the ERES Work Plan

  • @Michelle Polchow Will review the AEFG Handoff Docs


ERES (@Tamara Pilko @Jason Dezember @Katie Keyser @Kevin Balster @Michelle Polchow @Natalee Bell @Paula Pascual @Sherry Lochhaas) review for Mar 17, 2022 discussion


Team Charter

Review Part III - expectations for working together

20 min

Carla Arbagey

Team Charter Document (Confluence) @Carla Arbagey reviewed and cleaned up Team Charter. Discussion on making sure to use Sandbox to test any changes to workflows.

Work on Team Charter, Expectations and Work Plan

@Carla Arbagey to review

@Carla Arbagey to review Part III of Charter Doc
@Michelle Polchow will follow up with all-chairs' group regarding membership and voting

930/973 Fields for e-collection name

930/973 field - individual campuses to discontinue practice?

  • what questions would individual campuses have if this occurred?

  • what concerns would prevent discontinuation at this time?



930/973 Decision Page


Phase 4 Note: Some use it, some do not. Campuses could use it locally if need be for 973.


  • Put to vote: we are okay with campuses continue using locally.

  • SCP may continue to use 930/973 for internal management

@Michelle Polchow will create decision page for 930/973 practice
@Paula Pascual will edit the decision page for 930/973 practice
@Michelle Polchow will touch base with Discovery and Resource Management groups about this doc

Report on CDL Vendor/License/Acquisitions framework in support of local members processing new NZ acquisitions


Update E-Resources Subteam

15 min

@Michelle Polchow @Lisa Mackinder @Tamara Pilko

  • Update on 3/10/2022 meeting with Ex Libris concerning License Agreement functionality in Alma

    Ex Libris recorded meeting _ 3/10/2022

    ExL will examine current Alma License functionality to address CDL acquisitions and financial processes

  • Currently, Alma does not have the functionality to meet CDL needs but there is possibility for future enhancements

  • Current workaround allowing IZs to attach POLs to CDL ecollections does not incorporate license sharing at consortium level, which is where cost sharing metadata is generated




Wrap Up

Review actions and decisions

5 min


  • Confluence will generate a personal task list if a user is tagged using @





Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion
















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