2023-06-29 Meeting notes - social gathering


  • Jharina Pascual, (acting vice-chair) UCI

  • Michelle Polchow, Chair, UCD

  • Sherry Lochhaas, CDL

  • Natalee Bell, UCSB

  • Kevin Balster, UCLA (Jan 2022-June 2023)

  • Jeremy Whitt, UCLA (July 2023-June 2024)

  • Jason Dezember, UCB

  • Carla Arbagey, UCR

  • Sarah Sheets, UCM

  • Katie Keyser, UCSF

  • Judy Keys, UCSD

  • Sarah Lindsey, UCSC (substituting for Tamara)

Not in attendance:

  • Tamara Pilko, Vice Chair, UCSC (on leave)

Meeting documents:
Meeting Recording & Chat (link to file in Google Drive)


Desired Outcome









Desired Outcome









Record: Michelle


Share announcements


Welcome Jeremy Whitt, UCLA

5 min


Note taker: Kevin
Timekeeper: Sarah Sheets

  • Jayne Dickson retiring after 37! years at CDL. today is her last day. Kristen Chua taking over the bulk of triaging of CDL tickets.

  • eCAUG registration is up






Social Gathering

Relaxed celebration of survival

40 min


  • Update on shared license decision page: Jackie & Tom decided that ERES had the power to declare this as “decided.” We could just inform OT of our decision, and that it would go up to Leadership Group - there’s no body that’s going to manage all campuses licenses.

  • Multi-part e-collections: small Task Force is being put together. First task is to determine whether this is still a problem, or if the problem has been minimized since migration.

    • campuses taking different approaches to help with issue of not being able to find collection record for something that may not otherwise have a specific record in UCLS.

    • Common to use LibGuides A-Z database list as way to access specific, known, databases, but uneven management of list across campuses

    • Multi-part collection consideration: have consortial A-Z Database List

    • All Chairs discussion on multi-part collections is on July 18. Please send any comments to Jharina by then


Bring your own refreshments!




Wrap Up


Summer Calendar -

Review actions and decisions


Decision regarding continued weekly meetings/ bi-weekly

No meeting - week of 7/6

10 min


  • No meeting first week of July

  • spend a few weeks to revisit Team Charter

  • can update e-resources troubleshooting communication page with Community Slack channel and CDL’s new ticketing system

    • CA: worth updating, but might need more consideration. like who is authorized to submit tickets to ExL

    • JP: limit users due to how much background work needs to be done before reporting to ExL

  • still waiting for All-Chairs to discuss multi-part e-collections, then next up would be licensing decision

  • no agenda for next meeting. open drop-in session


  • Something to mull over: is CDI under the purview of ERES?

  • UCR: live on Rialto, going live with T&F EBA program

  • UCB processing ~2600 cancellations

  • UCSC: got green light for OpenAthens

  • UCR hopefully very close to implementing OpenAthens.

  • UCR negotiated 10% discount for all UCs






Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion:






















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