

Desired Outcome







Ex Libris support

0 minutes



All Chairs meeting update

6 minutes


  • Next LG meeting on 12/6/24 will be attended by either Tom or Caitlin (LG Meeting Notes)

    • Sarah and Lakshmi will not be able to attend

  • Sarah Lindsey to ask Tom (cc Caitlin) about attendance at the next LG meeting (12/6/24)

Expanded NZ Access

  • discuss updates related to temperature check results

11 minutes


  • Lakshmi plans to contact the responses of 3 and less and hold private meetings with each of them

    • 30 minutes each meeting

    • tangible feedback to be incorporated into NZ Principles

    • OT will move forward with this item in the future. NZ Access team is handing off to OT.

    • Caitlin showed Lakshmi some tools to use to make this task easier/more manageable

  • Caitlin Nelson will send out a “when is good” for SILS OT SC for the feedback meetings for NZ Principles responses of 3 and below. Compare with UCOP calendar.

OT Workplan

  • currently more of a checklist of tasks, annual or otherwise

0 minutes


  • Document for discussion: OT Workplan

  • Suggestions from past meetings:

    • Future API requests

      • Idea proposed at a past SILS OT SC meeting: create mini project team from SILS OT (2-3 people) whose members would share their results in next fiscal year

    • Shared Governance Task Force Ongoing, UCLAS-integrated SILS structure, work practices and charges

      • plan a lengthy discussion of representation?(advocacy/leadership/experts vs. comprehensive campus representation) at a future SILS OT meeting

      • background:

        • related to the question regarding term limits

        • other questions to guide this discussion:

          • if the work changed by having only experts on a team, how would it change?

          • how could non-expert representatives be used in other collective areas?

    • suggestions from SILS OT meeting on 8/7/24:

      • look at Alma/Primo VE Issues and Themes document

        • workstream improvement

      • have list of projects to work on when there is down time

      • strategies for sharing sessions during OT meetings

      • quarterly update (from Gem?) on new releases for assessment/review

  • tabled for another meeting


Known Issues

  • Discussion of “do we actually do this?”

0 minutes


  • This came up both from Gem and the notion of “closed tickets without a resolution”. How, if at all, do we want to pursue?

    • make this an OT Workplan eventually?

  • tabled for another meeting


Executive Session

  • Private Discussion

10 minutes



Build agenda for next OT meeting

  • Build and finalize the agenda for next week’s OT meeting

5 minutes


  • See proposed agenda here


Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion

0 minutes


  • Future requests for data

    • Question: do they fall under the privacy agreement we all signed or should there be a separate agreement that needs to be signed?

    • Concern: accidental data viewing vs. purposeful ask for specific data ahead of time - possible contract violations?

  • Signature Success Program

    • paused until after contract renegotiations are complete

    • Prioritized List:

      • Insufficient IZ/NZ integration

      • Insufficient support

      • Limited documentation

      • Insufficient Analytics functionality

      • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

      • Alma usability

      • Quality of CZ collections

      • Acquisitions process improvements



32 minutes