EUOS resources
Timelines and work plans
Big Picture Timeline (Lucidchart) - this is now read only, b/c Lucidchart wants me to pay for it
Summary of Campus communications calendar (Google doc - just the dates of spring term + contacts)
Working documents - Communications
News Releases - timeline and drafts
Internal Communications/Orientations documents
Tim’s slide deck - early announcements to subject librarians/staff
Stacy’s slide deck (modified from Tim’s) - January
Internal Communications slide deck (more official, in collaboration with Communications Operations leads - maybe to distribute to ULs via local teams?)
Becca’s slide deck (UCSB) All Staff & Subject Librarian Presentation
Corliss: guided exercises for staff events- intro to UC Library Search - June (staff did these in breakout rooms; lots of time for questions. Those who filled out post-event surveys seem to feel pretty confident about using UC Library Search (though they brought up many issues we need to look at - very useful)
Help Pages
Environmental Scan of Primo Help Pages (pages pre go-live)
Primo Landing Pages compilation (by campus)
Help pages for UC Library Search
Swipe file:
Background Documents
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