AEFG (Go-Live) Electronic Resources Practices - Linking IZ orders to relevant CDL e-collections (MVP 001)
Legend: not started IN PROGRESS STALLED decided
Status | decided |
Scope | Test for Go-Live |
Description | AEFG-MVP-001 -FAQ on best practices for linking IZ version of orders to CDL electronic collections (for existing); Deliverable is Documentation for Day 1, record work within 1st 6 months. |
Decision | AEFG recommends a collaborative workflow for determining the appropriate electronic collection for CDL resources in the Network Zone. This will be initiated by CDL as a result of its processes. Campuses will use the NZ record for appropriate related records (i.e, the campus POL for the recharge, etc.). Dynamic communication and collaboration post-go-live is expected as we build familiarity with the Network Zone. |
Owning group | AEFG + lcspagnolo [at] ucdavis [dot] edu |
Approver | PPC |
Stakeholders | R = AEFG, CDL |
Decision-making process | AEFG subgroup, with consultations to CDL. Goal is to ensure a linking process for local campus recharge orders to CDL/NZ resource records, with facilitated data-gathering via Analytics. |
Priority | High |
Due date | May 21, 2021 (will likely have June 4th final approval - see Action Log) |
For new orders/recharges for renewals:
CDL will determine the appropriate electronic inventory records and, if applicable, bibliographic records, in the NZ to which participating UC campuses may attach POLs for recharges, or other records. This is dependent upon post-go-live clean-up for CDL teams.
CDL will develop a structure of appropriate notes/codes needed in POL recharges to communicate to the campuses for NZ/IZ integration. The assumption is that the recharge process will operate as it currently does regarding sending spreadsheets to campuses to manage the recharge, at least in the near term. The goal is to rely as much as possible on Alma functionality.
IZs will implement any appropriate notes/codes needed for CDL recharges with consideration for CDL’s record needs. This will be further tested after go-live with the development of Analytics applications.
AEFG also recommends continuing a consulting process after go-live to review specific resources, the availability of inventory records in the CZ and the NZ (i.e., e-collections records). This can be a standing item in continuing AEFG meetings post-go-live or could reside with a subgroup comprised of those with relevant functional scope in electronic resources, including groups like the CDL Acquisitions Liaisons. Note: this recommendation for consultative work also resides in AEFG MVP 002 related to campus procedures for electronic resources in IZs.
Recommendations will be determined by UC-wide policy after discussion among CDL stakeholders in acquisitions, shared cataloging, statistics-gathering, etc., resulting in the desired record infrastructure for shared and local electronic resources.
As separate instances, libraries managed their CDL electronic resources unconnected to knowledgebase/KB records (i.e., suppressed bibs with CDL-as-vendor order records). The consortial instance allows IZ/campus orders to be linked to their appropriate CDL (NZ-level) collections. This AEFG work will test and then recommend clean-up for those new linkages.
Scope is for existing (migrated) records once CDL determines the appropriate NZ resource (i.e. after post-migration clean-up), but could extend to prospective content. Prospective content is dependent on CDL workflow development for identification of CZ/NZ collection name for subsequent order records (CDL’s order record and campus recharge order records). AEFG is envisioning coordination mechanisms between CDL and the appropriate campus representatives (e.g., CDL Acquisitions Liaisons).
Note that AEFG had initially considered whether license agreements for local resources with a content provider that also has CDL activity (i.e., Tier 3s) could be attached to the CDL/NZ electronic inventory record. This remains to be explored post-go-live, with provisional conclusion that license documentation would need to be attached to the relevant electronic inventory, i.e., it should not interfere with NZ e-inventory management.
See also AEFG (Go-Live) Campus Purchase Order Practices for CDL and Related Local E-Resources (AEFG-MVP-002) on purchasing workflow.
Limitation of migrating from Voyager vs Millennium
Can IZs manipulate POL types pre- or post-migration?
CDL Shared Acquisitions development of record structure in Alma.
What data is essential to the campuses for the recharge process? Expenditure reports, payment documents? What can be combined or eliminated? What improvements can be developed/adopted? This may shape how CDL Shared Acquisitions develops its record and coding structure in Alma.
Questions to consider
Action Log
Action/Point Person | Expected Completion Date | Notes | Status |
AEFG discussion/workshop / Jharina | Apr 2, 2021 | Do we need “good” bibs for IZ CDL recharges? Poss: @Mark Hemhauser (Unlicensed) suggests migrating CDL recharges as service POs per @Maricel Cruz (Unlicensed) idea How does CDL need to represent multicampus recharges in NZ? Bring in Adriana? | Done |
AEFG discussion/workshop / Jharina | Apr 9, 2021 |
| Done |
Lisa S. and Carla to consult re: AEFG next steps. | 5/21/2021 |
| Done |
Coordination with CDL to confirm CDL-side workflows and intersections with IZ-side practices. Lisa M. to follow up w/ CDL group. Lisa S. to coordinate via PPC/CDL/NZ group. | 05/25/2021 |
| Done |
Lisa S. and Adriana consult on CDL/campus aspects, review for wording accuracy, feasibility. Incorporate edits to document. | 05/28/2021 | Meeting done, Lisa S. to review for additional edits to coordinate 001 and 002. Discussing post-go-live build of CDL Shared Acquisitions infrastructure for NZ POLs, additional data, consulting process, dependency of Analytics developments. | Done |
AEFG Final Review/Approval | 06/02/2021 | Approved. Footnotes of concerns: acknowledging that more testing is to be done, and clarifying procedures as needed. | Done |
PPC Review/Approval | 06/04/2021 | Approved | Done |
Distribution | 06/07/2021 | Note addition in “Informed” line for Xiaoli to share with TSELG per their discussion re: CDL recharges. | Pending |
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