Work Plan: Acquisitions

Work Plan: Acquisitions

(very much being developed, not finalized)



Due Date




Due Date


Re-testing of loading brief GOBI records into the NZ -see AEFG (Go-Live) Vendor bib records/overlay rules and Import Profiles - AEFG w/ RMFG (MVP 003)



Use of (Brief) Order Records in NZ/IZ Procedural as well as configuration - new Decision Page to advise on best practices. Include collab w/RM, etc. Not sure where statewide training/procedural stuff will live - create just in our space to move later. Subgroup to discuss.

Have session about GOBI Ordering APIs to share campus practices, explore consortial possibilities



  • Laura started notes for a decision page about GOBI API CDI/standalone portfolio issues - still working through pending support ticket

  • left to local preferences

Have session about Rialto, various ordering options to share campus practices, explore consortial possibilities



Add link to video

Share acquisitions configuration views - show and tell cases.



Alma consortial functionality not as robust as the CDLNZ-PT was hoping, so not particularly relevant. (E-Res had similar line item, CDLNZ-PT didn’t run into many cases)
Some case-by-case needs addressed in ongoing fashion.

Review/follow up with E-Res team on CDL/Campus E-Resources Workflow/Record Structure - AEFG (Go-Live) Electronic Resources Practices - Linking IZ orders to relevant CDL e-collections (MVP 001) and AEFG (Go-Live) Campus Purchase Order Practices for CDL and Related Local E-Resources (AEFG-MVP-002)



E-Res offered to take ownership!
waiting on input from CDL for what they need campuses to adhere to (CDL cleanup is helping standardize how things are linked and what we need to do going forward)

ACTION ITEM as of Sept 2024: Approach E-Res Team to continue discussion

Licensing - terms visibility for ILL, etc.


(1) 4/6/2022

(2) 5/1/2022

(3) CDLNZPT working on planning/scheduling for CDL licenses workflow development


Licensing Terms for Display in Primo starts at CDL for standards on consortial purchases, then flows to campuses for harmonization of local practices - (1) UCD presentation on how to use licensing terms, (2) which terms to display? w/ILL, E-Res then ask Discovery to implement (3) vocab for various terms, (4) data entry (automated?!) for licenses not yet in system

360 access through 6/30/2022

Ability to delete license records has removed barrier to initiating entry of local license records.

Financial data management/retention for auditing/legal reasons


June 2025

There is a UC level policy/system to comply with. Focus: Ex Libris functionality for batch management, UC-wide best practices options

  • Concerns with retention

  • batch deletion needed

  • policy/compliance issue


Perpetual rights and entitlement tracking in Alma (generally) - licenses, payment info, annual title lists, etc.


Check- in by November 2024

joint w/ e-res, both local and CDL materials. (Can be developed solo, but preferable to develop in conjunction/parallel with CDL practices)

Potential to move up in combination with licensing deliverable (above)

Action Item: Check with E-Res Team

Analysis of Cataloging Services from GOBI



SILS Acq SubTeam will consult with project team when it is created.

Start pulling data and information together before official call.

@Laura Fouladi start folder with usage data from Gobi. Discuss at December 2024 meeting.

Reporting/analytics - define desired statewide reports



Analytics team focusing on UCoP statistics for now. Probably need another session of task force to look at uses. Work Plan
Do we want to focus on shared reports? Sharing best practices? Shared meetings with Analytics focused people to discus Acq specific issues? System review/improvement processes - show and tell?

Stakeholders: selectors , AULs/ULs, others? SCLG for input on local vs UC, campus reports into Shared space in Analytics (esp already-Alma campuses). Reports NOT in analytics?

need input from stakeholders (Operations Team?) on what kinds of reports are needed so we can see if current data entry is providing needed connections for effective reports

Taxes - Share campus practices / show and tell for individual campuses and determining how to handle line item tax.

Campus transitions to Oracle make it a changing landscape

presentation prep for a Fall sharing session?

Campus procedures shared in Google Drive

Reporting/Analytics - integrated data between campuses and NZ?



Initial one-button reporting idea found to be irrelevant/infeasible given how CDL is expected to share data

example question: “How much does UC spend with VendorX?”

Data needs: We would like an easier way to pull together data regarding total spends with publisher (not vendors).

Additional process work on NZ/IZ de-duplication/reconciliation.



E-Res says several teams already doing this - can share techniques.
need clarification on who is responsible/can work in NZ - only CDL? Largely e-res management

Confirm approach to scoping of IP ranges for discovery outcomes (more Discovery but affects e-resources troubleshooting)



E-res offered to take ownership!

settings that can be configured during Acq (migration) process, but largely e-res/Discovery

This also has to do with the user experience and authenticating. See Configuring the Institution and Its Libraries, where item is in General>Libraries>Define Campuses>IP Definitions. See also Configuring Distributed Access to Electronic Resources. This item arose during Phase 4 Acq/E-Res given management/knowledge of campus IP ranges. Likely no longer needed given limitations of IP access and other methods of authentication (CAS, Shibboleth, etc.).


Note: how to indicate dependencies/waiting-for statuses? Separate column?

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