DISC (Go Live) Basic WorldCat Discovery Configuration

Legend: not started IN PROGRESS STALLED decided




Go Live


“Basic” WorldCat Discovery (BWCD) will replace WorldCat Discovery “Premium” (i.e., Melvyl) after UC moves to Alma/Primo. BWCD is tied to UC’s FirstSearch subscription and will persist as long as UC subscribes to FirstSearch. Determine what to call BWCD, how it should appear (e.g., colors and other configurations), and how to communicate about it to patrons (and staff) to avoid confusion with the retiring Melvyl.


BWCD instances should be configured identically with personalization only for campus branding/identification and local-specifc URLs in the Resources links. See decision page for more configuration details.

Owning group

Discovery FG + josephine.tan@ucsf.edu, jspencer@ucsc.edu




R = Discovery FG, CDL Melvyl Operations Team
C = EUOS, RMFG, FFFG, AEFG, CDL Melvyl Operations Team (via wcd-migration-l@listserv.ucop.edu)
I = cohort, EUOS, ICs, CDL Melvyl Operations Team (via wcd-migration-l@listserv.ucop.edu)

Decision-making process

  1. Discovery FG consults with the CDL Melvyl Operations Team to understand the issues.

  2. Discovery FG consults with EUOS to ensure EUOS has what they need for messaging.

  3. Discovery FG makes the decisions in consultation with EUOS and other FGs to ensure all major use cases are addressed.

  4. PPC approves the decision.

If significant financial or staff resources are needed, the SILS Working Group should be consulted.


Determine the priority for the various questions.

Due date

Aug 18, 2021


All 10 campuses have chosen to point users to Basic Worldcat Discovery (BWCD) when users need to discover books and physical materials not included in UC Library Search.

We recommend that CDL Melvyl Operations Team configure all BWCD instances identically with personalization only for campus branding/identification and local-specifc URLs in the Resources links.

BWCD instances should be configured using the guidance in this decision page.


In the new SILS environment, BWCD will serve the purpose of facilitating the discovery of items not available via UC Library Search (ie. items held in the UC collections or discoverable via ExLibris CDI).

When a search in UC Library Search does not retrieve the desired item, a user may choose to search outside UC collections using Worldcat. Campuses have chosen to connect users to Worldcat materials either through a search profile that can be selected within Primo or through a link out to BWCD. See the decision for more details.

When users discover a desired item in BWCD, they will click on the “Get It at UC” link in the item record which will direct them back into an OpenURL record in their local campus Primo instance. From there, they can sign in to access the Request through Interlibrary Loan link in the record and submit their request.

Note that for the end-user, this essentially replaces the “Request” feature in Melvyl, both of which will be decommissioned.


OCLC will replace WorldCat Discovery “Premium” (currently branded as “Melvyl” for UCs) with “Basic” WorldCat Discovery post Alma/Primo golive. BWCD is tied to UC’s FirstSearch subscription and will not retire separate from the FirstSearch subscription. FirstSearch is part of the UC-wide OCLC agreement that currently runs until June 2022. The WorldCat Discovery interface (both basic and premium) will be updated in early August. All screenshots display the ‘new’ interface.

Basic WorldCat Discovery downgrades:

  • “University of California Libraries” scope no longer available on campus BWCD instances. (Only campus scope & Libraries Worldwide)

  • No UC (campus or system-wide) information will appear under the “check availability” section in full record display.

  • Metasearch content: BWCD loses access to a lot of the databases though it still offers those in the FirstSearch Base Package. Some institutions just scope it to only WorldCat (see University of WA.)

  • No option to display local holdings for serials only; therefore, we are likely to no longer display serials LHRs – see Dependencies section for more details.
    Note: LHR display in BWCD will no longer be needed for UC resource sharing.


Home page (link to new version of parallel WCD instance):

Notes for home page:

  1. Optional custom message & optional linked custom message.
    At BWCD launch, this message should state "UC Library Search has replaced Melvyl. See the UC Library Search overview for more details." We recommend that this message be displayed for 3 months after BWCD launch.

  2. Logo & name image, including hover text
    We recommend using the Worldcat logo for all BWCD instances.
    The name for each instance should be “[UC Campus] Worldcat”
    Hover text should read “[UC Campus] Worldcat”

  3. (campus-specific) Resources links (replaces ‘library links' in current interface), different set of links per campus. See this spreadsheet of individual campus URLs for the Resource links.
    Resource links will be:
    UC Library Search [URL = Primo for that campus]
    Connect from Off-Campus [URL = campus VPN/Proxy page]
    Library Website [URL = campus library website]
    Help [URL = campus library Help page]


Item page (link to new version of parallel BWCD instance):

Notes for item page:

  1. Icon color, must be same as button color

  2. “All copies …” messages will no longer appear; no text will appear in this space

  3. Button, color and name. Since Request will be decommissioned, only one button will appear: an outgoing OpenURL to campus Primo. (See ).

Basic setup and maintenance

Each campus will have an instance of basic WorldCat Discovery and a UC Libraries scope instance (formerly known as Melvyl). Each instance will be configured the same for ease of maintenance. CDL will implement these configurations and continue to manage these 11 BWCD instances as they do now for WCD Melvyl, including responding to any support issues. The CDL Melvyl Operations Team is in the process of making a checklist of the work involved in the transition from WCD Melvyl to BWCD.


Basic WorldCat Discovery (BWCD) is tied to UCs' FirstSearch subscription, which was signed through 2022. WorldCat Discovery cannot be decommissioned while UC has an active FirstSearch subscription. Likewise, WorldCat Discovery will no longer be available to UC if FirstSearch subscription is canceled.

Opting in to display contributed Local Holdings Records (LHRs) requires maintenance of the “Holdings Translation Table” in the WorldCat configuration (separate from the translation of codes and names sent to OCLC for LHR loading). Regardless of whether UCs opt to display LHRs in BWCD, it will not impact display or functionality of contributed LHRs in other OCLC products: LHRs will display in FirstSearch, Connexion, and WSILL; LHRs will not display in worldcat.org; LHR display in BWCD will not impact resource sharing outside of UC. [Impact of RMFG decision to contribute LHRs to OCLC: decision page forthcoming].

OCLC will release the new interface for WorldCat Discovery shortly after UC’s planned Alma/Primo GoLive.

Questions to consider

  1. What is the purpose of Worldcat in the new SILS environment?

    1. Discover and access items not available via UC Library Search (the Discovery Network) and utilize Worldcat facets (and avoid problem such as special characters) for finding those materials

  2. What is the benefit of having/using these basic WorldCat Discovery instances?

    1. Paraphrase from OCLC: “Search interface for resources held outside of campus & consortia.”; Note: this need currently addressed in .

    2. Benefits of BWCD:

      1. Ability to see Get it at UC button without being on VPN/Proxy (shorter path to request) vs. Worldcat.org which requires authentication before seeing request button (some users do not have VPN access but are eligible for ILL services)

      2. Brief result displays Get it at UC button: more efficient for users (vs. Worldcat.org need to click into full record)

      3. Familiar display (looks like Melvyl more than Worldcat.org) - one less big change for users

  3. How would people come across basic WorldCat Discovery on their own (any redirects we need to worry about)?

    1. Stray (un-updated/missed) links on library information pages.

    2. If a patron had bookmarked the webpage.

    3. May come up in web searches.

  4. What name (and logo) to use for basic WorldCat Discovery?

    1. “Search [UC Berkeley] Libraries and Beyond” → “[Campus] Worldcat”

    2. Replace Melvyl logo with Worldcat logo

  5. What name to replace the “Melvyl” for the UC-wide basic WorldCat Discovery, https://melvyl.worldcat.org ?

    1. Name: “UC Worldcat”

    2. URL: https://uc.on.worldcat.org

  6. Color scheme and/or specific colors? (make similar to PrimoVE color scheme?)

    1. All BWCD instances should use the UC / CDL established brand color scheme for websites.

  7. What messaging is needed for basic WorldCat Discovery, e.g., FAQs? How will it be done? Who needs to be involved?

    1. EUOS is developing messaging and resources at the local and systemwide level to help end users understand how Worldcat intersects with UC Library Search

  8. Display contributed LHR data for all material types in basic WorldCat Discovery? (testing needed) If yes, who & what process to populate the ‘holdings translation table’ for BWCD?

    1. holdings updates to OCLC are under discussion at campuses for electronic holdings (for some campuses, Primo might be the only space for current electronic holdings)

  9. Which databases from FirstSearch Base Package to enable for search in BWCD? (Currently enabled: ArticleFirst, GPO Monthly Catalog, OAIster, WorldCat, WorldCat Dissertations & Theses, WorldCat.org)

    1. Only Worldcat.org should be enabled in the default / simple search.

    2. Users should have the option to add in these additional databases in the Advanced Search

  10. When should the switch to basic WorldCat Discovery happen? At go-live? later?

    1. Needed for go live

  11. What default search scope should BWCDs have? (the UC scope will no longer be available; so options would be campus-level or libraries worldwide)

    1. Libraries worldwide

  12. Look/feel, brief results, etc:

    1. Should be harmonized/consistent between BWCD instances

Examples from other consortia

Here are some examples of other Primo customers with BWCD: 

Boston University https://bu.on.worldcat.org/discovery

University of WA https://uwashington.on.worldcat.org/discovery

Action Log

Action/Point Person

Expected Completion Date



Action/Point Person

Expected Completion Date



CDL Melvyl Operations Team to draft decision page @Alison Ray (CDL) and @Lena Zentall (Unlicensed)

Mar 10, 2021

Waiting on some information from OCLC, but the decision page is complete enough to move forward to PPC.


Handoff decision to PPC. @Lena Zentall (Unlicensed)

Mar 11, 2021



PPC discusses and formally assigns decision

Mar 12, 2021

Assigned to Discovery FG


The CDL Melvyl Operations Team creates a checklist of the work involved in the transition from WCD Melvyl to BWCD. @Alison Ray (CDL)

Jul 20, 2021



Discovery FG consults with the CDL Melvyl Operations Team to understand the issues.

June 15, 2021



Discovery FG communicates with EUOS to ensure EUOS has what they need for messaging.

July 6, 2021



Discovery FG makes the decisions in consultation with EUOS and other FGs to ensure all major use cases are addressed.

Jul 26, 2021



PPC approves the decision.

Aug 18, 2021




The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu