📢​ Recording of the meeting:forthcoming, see meeting recordings(please note: Zoom-hosted recordings will be available for 120 days after the meeting 🗓​ , after which they are automatically deleted by Zoom).
We are now working together at a new level of collaboration.
Desired Outcome:
Understand how reporting and tracking issues works both at the systemwide level and at your local campus.
Ensure chairs are adding known issues.
Draft questions for Ex Libris
Understand timeline for this work and what needs to be in place by go-live.
Decide if we need a couple of volunteers to draft a process.
Big questions for consideration:
What needs do campuses have for reporting & tracking issues?
What communication channel(s) can we use?
What questions do we need answered about the process?
How does this process change after we go live?
How do we ensure issues rise to the needed level to be resolved?
What do we know now and don’t know now?
How have others done this? CARLI manages opening all cases at their systems office.
Who reports an issue?
Is it a local issue or systemwide issue (and how do we know?)
Do we checkin with each other before reporting the problem or just report it? (Per ExL, each campus should NOT open a case for the same issue; they need to allocate resources appropriately and understand how many institutions have the same problem)
How do we communicate among ourselves?
When do we need to collaborate more broadly?
When do other campuses piggyback on a case to emphasize it?
When does the SILS Operations Center (CDL) file a case on behalf of the group?
When do we seek help from other consortia?
How and when do we share an issue? (Note: You can add up to 5 emails on a case (to keep others informed).
What’s the process for reporting an issue to Ex Libris?
What info. do you need to provide? - see Marci’s description and links to documentation on Basecamp.
Who should have access to Salesforce?
Tracking known issues:
What rises to the level of going on the known issues page? (high level issues)
How do you decide whether to log the known issue on your campus “known issues” or on the SILS known issues or both?
What’s the process for translating what the issue means for patrons? Who does this work? (For now, it’s EUOS)
Post it on the patron-facing FAQ?
IC-PPC co-chairs + PMs
CDL update
Initial plan for NZ
Approach CDL will take to the work
What’s the process/decision page?
What is the work we’ve identified to date?
What are some of the constraints (e.g., can’t automate everything).