(Go-live) Local 856 bibliographic data

Legend: not started IN PROGRESS STALLED decided






Determine whether campuses should copy 856 data in their bibliographic records into another field/record for future reference and what to do with different types of 856 field after migration


See below

Owning group

Resource Management FG




R = Resource Management IG

Decision-making process


Due date

Mar 30, 2021




  • For go-live all campuses (minus CDL) should copy their data into a 956 field if at all possible and they are concerned about losing it.

  • SCP will copy their 856 data into a 946 field

  • Links in 956 fields can be made actionable in Primo using html tags.

  • Generally, campuses should not remove their data from existing 856 fields prior to submitting files to Ex Libris

  • For NZ-linked records, RMFG will request that CDL remove 856 40 fields on or shortly after August 15 (to allow for data checking and the other stuff we have to do for go-live before Ex Libris considers us migrated)

  • For NZ-linked records, RMFG will check with campuses on September 1 about the status of their 846 41 fields and will request that CDL remove them from any campuses that are ready (based on “originating system ID”)

  • For NZ-linked records, RMFG will request that CDL remove most remaining 856 41 fields starting September 15. UC Santa Barbara has requested permission to retain 856 41 links for some specific situations in which they have non-restricted links to Special Collections content in 856 41 fields.

  • 856 42 fields do not need to be removed after migration, campuses can choose which ones to retain

    • Campuses should be aware that 856 42 fields can be lost during NZ build/matching like all other non-local data.

  • There is no prohibition or prescription around creating portfolios out of finding aids but bibliographic records that only have 856 42 fields (and no other 856 fields) should not be sent through P2E. Portfolios for those fields would have to be generated after migration.

  • AEFG concurs with this recommendation for P2E with respect to the 856 42, and advises local discretion regarding using the 856 42 for finding aids and other applications. The option of creating portfolios for finding aids post-migration is possible, and AEFG would recommend ensuring that these do not unduly interfere with other e-inventory management or discovery outcomes in Primo (e.g., an indicator that item is "Available Online"). Creating a designated local e-collection could assist in managing these portfolios. AEFG is considering additional approaches for this functionality to be out of scope for preparing migration data for go-live and immediate post-go-live, and will likely entail cross-functional discussion after the end of Phase 4.

  • Suppressed bibs with 856 fields can be sent through P2E if the portfolio information is needed at a campus but need to be left out of the NZ.


856 fields are needed during the P2E process to generate portfolios. However, they also risk being wiped out during NZ build/linking and so campuses should copy that data to a local field to keep it safe. 856 data in bibliographic records is not local data in Alma. The 956 field is set up in OCLC to be a local e-resource field already. RMFG would like to standardize this for cutover but recognizes that non-VG campuses may not be 100% sure if the 956 will work for them. Since a lot of campuses have locally cataloged OA resources and since Primo will not make those local portfolios visible to other campuses, the 856 links for OA resources should stay in the records after migration. Since 856 42 fields contain finding aids and other resources that campuses want to keep, they do not need to be deleted after migration.



From ExLibris CDL Q&A 6/16/2020: migrated bibs will retain 856 fields so long as the bib is not overlaid. This also means it is likely that IZ bibs will lose their 856 fields if the bib matches an NZ record. 856 fields also do not populate Primo, all links com from the portfolios created during migration.

ExLibris documentation: https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Product_Documentation/010Alma_Online_Help_(English)/070Alma-Summon_Integration/050Display_Configuration/030Managing_Display_and_Local_Fields


See other decision pages: Local 856 fields in the Vanguar



Action Log

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Expected Completion Date



Action/Point Person

Expected Completion Date



FG vote




Final decision sent to PPC for approval/routing to ILSDC




Final decision routed to ILSDC




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