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Desired Outcome





STANDING ITEM: review a Task Report

any blockers on tasks?


STANDING ITEM: Any AskSILS / SILS News or other tool requests?


FYI to Cohort that they are down March 24


  •  Alison Ray (CDL) FYI to all-cohort that crossref is down; doi lookup failing

Non-Cohort person wants down alerts

Give them alerts without signing them up for Cohort access


  1. OT rep and OST reps need to disseminate info to local listservs or whatever

  2. Self-sign up at ExL status page

  • The next time they ask , here’s the info.

tools review

(fwiw, alison really hates the running meeting notes format)


Too long; hard to copy and set up new agenda; GSL/AMR don’t like.

Parking lot is useful at the end

  • Do a new copy of the page for each day of agenda, starting
  •  Alison Ray (CDL) make stub page for 3/28/22 meeting with parking lot and standing items

rapido discussion

what to do with rapido info?


postpone to Thursday 31st

  • put Rapido discussion in new parking lot, target discussion for 3/31/22

Track Issues/Shared Repository

What tools should Discovery use for tracking issues and shared Git repository?


Mentioned this in Slack with Caitlin/Jackie/Tom back on March 8. Should this go to OT? Does this get included in DOC tools thing? Should SILS Ops Team run this?

DOC is running a team, but it’s a long way off. This is a good proof of concept if SILS Ops takes this on.


  1. Is what we get on a free plan enough?

    1. Is it viewable by public?

  2. Who gets access? (SILS Cohort)

    1. Can you even limit access?

  3. What is actually involved in administering this?

  4. Is this a pilot? How can we back out of this if needed?

  • SILS Ops to do a write-up about GitHub Repo, share with Discovery, and ultimately get approval from OT.
  •  Gem Stone-Logan Works on a write-up: Discovery wants this (Github repo), SILS Ops proposes yes under specific circumstances, bring back to SILS Op Center.
  •  Gem Stone-Logan Email Discovery to cover our plan about shared repository

Tracking listserv requests

How do we know when a request has been answered?


Caitlin is the point person on all AskSils / SILS News etc. If CN hasn’t done it obviously in two days, then ping her.

LG Slack admin

Get a SILS Ops Center admin on the LG Slack channel


SILS Policy is to have a SILS Ops Center admin on all private Slack channels. We’re waiting for LG to respond and add Caitlin to the channel, then we can remove Celina.

Parking Lot

Still pending: LG access requests

tools review (confluence meeting format)

‘what to do with rapido’
