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Desired Outcome







Sharing and Updates

Share any Discovery related information from other SILS groups




Updates: Linked Data in the NZ

A Linked Data Integration Profile was added to the NZ. It should not impact campuses without Linked Data turned on. Alert Gem if you encounter any weirdness.


Updates: Primo Repository

Primo Repository Team has a folder under Discovery to keep meeting notes, etc.
Primo Repository Team

Have meeting notes now.

Created a folder in github for each campus to do whatever they want to make sure they don’t mess up everyone else’s contributions. The idea is to make sure what we put there is usable, not just raw javascript/css. If you are putting stuff in there, there must be a markdown that explains the problem being solved.
How do they make the snippets findable? How do I find if someone has found the thing I’m currently struggling with. Create a issue for every problem or a label and you use the label? They’re figuring it out. Maybe a wiki in the repo of categorical solutions. But it has to be kept up.
They have a slack channel in UCTech


Debrief: Primo Enhancement Voting

What are everyone’s thoughts about this year’s voting cycle?

“I think the biggest problem is the turnaround time between when we learned what we are voting on and when we have to submit votes. There are multiple levels of committees this needs to go through to determine our priorities. 10 days is not enough”

Josh: “Felt like things happened backwards. Should have been SilsD, then the local groups, then come back to SilsD and see how that fits in, then go back to the local groups. The back and forth would take a while, not ten days.”
Jackie: Struggled with the timeline. A bunch of factors. Multiple groups to talk to, need to give them time to review it, get up to speed.


Full Text Search Toggle

Fill out page.
Create a temporary team for testing.

CDI - Ability to Set the Default Search to Include or Exclude Full Text Matching

CDI Full Text Searching
jared’s team is trending to not searching full text but having the expansion toggle for users available. Some subject/journal searches had good results, but not all.


Primo Deduplication with Electronic Resources

If necessary, create a temporary team to verify that the problem is fixed.

Ex Libris said our issues with Deduplication with Electronic Resources should have been fixed in the June release.


Review Workplan/Issues


Wrap up

Review actions and decisions



Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion:

Discussion Parking Lot / Future Topics



