2022-07-01 Meeting notes
Jackie Gosselar, UC Berkeley
Jared Campbell, UC Davis
Sean Claudio, UC Irvine
Joshua Gomez, UC Los Angeles
Joe Ameen, UC Merced
Jessica Kruppa, UC Riverside, Chair
Dominique Turnbow, UC San Diego, Vice Chair
Michele Mizejewski, UC San Francisco
Jess Waggoner, UC Santa Cruz
Gem Stone-Logan, California Digital Library
Not present:
Michael Craig, UC Santa Barbara
Zoom Link to meeting (10:10 am, bi-weekly): Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
Meeting Recording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1z3ZiZQyBSX9zaE3lz2jwfquccKxUjC_z/view?usp=sharing
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions / Discussion | Actions | |
1 | Sharing and Updates | Share any Discovery related information from other SILS groups | 5 | All |
2 | Updates: Linked Data in the NZ |
| A Linked Data Integration Profile was added to the NZ. It should not impact campuses without Linked Data turned on. Alert Gem if you encounter any weirdness. |
3 | Updates: Primo Repository |
| Primo Repository Team has a folder under Discovery to keep meeting notes, etc.
| Team created a folder in github for each campus to do whatever they want to make sure they don’t mess up everyone else’s contributions. |
4 | Debrief: Primo Enhancement Voting | What are everyone’s thoughts about this year’s voting cycle? |
| Turnaround time (10 days from posting the enhancements to be voted on to actually voting) was too short for most campuses to consult with the various stakeholders. | Jessica will take this information to the NERS subteam to develop a better process with more lead time for future enhancement cycles. |
5 | Full Text Search Toggle | Fill out page. |
| CDI - Ability to Set the Default Search to Include or Exclude Full Text Matching CDI Full Text Searching | Reviewed the decision page. What are the use cases? What problem is this trying to solve? How does this interact with CDI Relevancy ranking? Why is there so little documentation? | Jessica will continue to refine the decision page and it will be reviewed in the future. |
6 | Primo Deduplication with Electronic Resources | If necessary, create a temporary team to verify that the problem is fixed. |
| Ex Libris said our issues with Deduplication with Electronic Resources should have been fixed in the June release. | What specifically did the June fix actually fix? | Everyone will check locally for testing to see if the problem persists. |
7 | Review Workplan/Issues |
8 | Wrap up | Review actions and decisions | 5 |
9 | Parking Lot | Capture important topics for future discussion: |
| |
10 |
| Total | 45 |
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