2022-09-09 Meeting notes
Jackie Gosselar, UC Berkeley
Jared Campbell, UC Davis
Joshua Gomez, UC Los Angeles
Zoe Tucker, UC Los Angeles
Joe Ameen, UC Merced
Michele Mizejewski, UC San Francisco
Jess Waggoner, UC Santa Cruz
Jessica Kruppa, UC Riverside, Chair
Michael Craig, UC Santa Barbara
Douglas Worsham, UC San Diego
Not present:
Sean Claudio, UC Irvine
Gem Stone-Logan, California Digital Library;
@Caitlin Nelson
@Alison Ray (CDL)
Meeting Recording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1l1uaePkwIO3zurNbMuBBUsbL9TwtEYkL/view?usp=sharing
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions / Discussion | Actions | |
1 | Sharing and Updates | Share any Discovery related information from other SILS groups | 5 | All |
| Dominique is stepping out of Discovery. Let’s welcome her replacement, Douglas Worsham. This is likely Dominique’s last meeting. Thank you, Dominique for your great contributions to the team. |
2 | New Vice Chair | Appoint a new vice chair |
| Douglas Worsham is not able to take over Dominique’s role as Vice chair at this time. We need someone to volunteer to finish out Dominique’s term. |
3 | Clarification on WorldCat Ask |
| Caitlin/Alison | Ultimate outcome: Choose up to six titles for the links, populate the values either with your URL or “OPT OUT”; edit existing spreadsheet; let SILSOps Center know when ready. Deadline: CDL will check in in a couple months. | Everyone, ask local groups about links that campuses may want/need in WCD. Next meeting (tentatively) We’ll discuss the results, label names, links, and optin/out. | |
4 | UX Team draft | Review and discuss new draft proposal |
| https://docs.google.com/document/d/1S2NRdR1NCfKtPCPct0jHz_vFJXSoNMJBJh_EUjSJcfQ/edit |
5 | Review Workplan/Issues or bring up potential future projects |
| Secondary Resource Types: Resource Management has concluded that the feature is useful in theory but requires complex, simultaneous configuration at every campus and the NZ that is untenable for a consortium at this time. The ELUNA Primo Working group agrees and this will be brought up with the Ex Libris development team. |
6 | Wrap up | Review actions and decisions | 5 |
7 | Parking Lot | Capture important topics for future discussion: |
| |
8 |
| Total | 45 |
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