2022-07-29 Meeting notes
Jackie Gosselar, UC Berkeley
Jared Campbell, UC Davis
Sean Claudio, UC Irvine
Joshua Gomez, UC Los Angeles
Joe Ameen, UC Merced
Michele Mizejewski, UC San Francisco
Jess Waggoner, UC Santa Cruz
Michael Craig, UC Santa Barbara
Jessica Kruppa, UC Riverside, Chair
Guest: Johannes Hercher, University of Berlin
Not present:
Gem Stone-Logan, California Digital Library; Dominique Turnbow, UC San Diego, Vice Chair; Jared Campbell, UC Davis; Michele Mizejewski, UC San Francisco; Michael Craig, UC Santa Barbara
Meeting Recording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15WoFuxIR4vg7QVX3bqHxwbIL7J6q71hh/view?usp=sharing
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions / Discussion | Actions | |
1 | Sharing and Updates | Share any Discovery related information from other SILS groups | 5 | All |
| Jackie: We have Guest Johannes Hercher from U of Berlin for Erasmus staff exchange project. |
2 | Official protocol for adding custom resource types to the NZ | List proposed changes or agreement on final draft. |
| Discuss final decisions next meeting. | Everyone will review the draft, make suggestions/changes, etc. | |
3 | FRBR Suppression | Ideas for NZ configurations for mid-august testing |
| Revisit Phase 4: FRBR Configuration decision page SILS-Discovery work plan: | Suppress by:
Consider how NZ linking affects FRBRization, keep Gem in the loop. |
4 | Secondary Resource Type Feature | List of local testing parameters that can be tested without NZ before next meeting. |
| This may need significant NZ Involvement and we may need to wait for Gem to be back.
| Jesse will contact RMG for expertise in coordinating testing. Will also need NZ coordination. |
5 | Open Access Records displaying no link | Decision on testing parameters and testing timeline. |
| Open Access Records with No Link (Most recent update at the bottom 7/12/2022) | Records without OA links are having the OA badge applied anyway. Or they correctly have the badge but no link even when the resource is OA. “Solution” is to turn on availability filtering rather than fix the unfiltered view. | Jesse will create a spreadsheet for tracking individual issues where open access badge is incorrectly applied or where link is not provided. We will draft a cohesive “ask” that can be brought to the support center meetings ta address the issue. |
6 | Review Workplan/Issues or bring up potential future projects |
| Future lobbying: We should form a recommendation around leveraging the Availability of an item more. We should be able to boost by Availability, and to have FRBR record groups sorted by Availability. |
7 | Wrap up | Review actions and decisions | 5 |
8 | Parking Lot | Capture important topics for future discussion: |
| |
9 |
| Total | 45 |
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