2022-01-12 Discovery Kickoff


Discovery Subteam

  • Jackie Gosselar

  • Jared Campbell

  • Sean Claudio

  • Joshua Gomez

  • Elizabeth Salmon, provisional chair

  • Jessica Kruppa

  • Dominique Turnbow

  • Michele Mizejewski

  • Michael Craig

  • Jess Waggoner

  • Gem Stone-Logan

SILS Transition Task Force:

  • Donald Barclay

  • Christine Barone

  • Sarah Houghton

  • Michelle Polchow

  • Hermine Vermeij

  • Lena Zentall


  • Ice breaker and introductions (15 mins)

  • The role of the provisional chair (5 mins)

  • Charge, roles and responsibilities (15 mins)

  • How we’ll work together (10 mins)

  • Next steps and Q&A (10 mins)

Discovery Kickoff slides

Discovery kickoff meeting recording (expires after 120 days)


The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu