2022-12-02 Meeting notes

2022-12-02 Meeting notes


  • Jackie Gosselar, UC Berkeley

  • Jessica Kruppa, UC Riverside, Chair 

  • Jess Waggoner, UC Santa Cruz

  • Gem Stone-Logan, California Digital Library;

  • Jared Campbell, UC Davis;

  • Zoe Tucker, UC Los Angeles

  • Michele Mizejewski, UC San Francisco

  • Joe Ameen, UC Merced;

  • Sean Claudio, UC Irvine 


Not Present:

  • Michael Craig, UC Santa Barbara

  • Douglas Worsham, UC San Diego

Meeting Recording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YqkAZFoJJgWwmczeMNx1-GXgA9zxyIBs/view?usp=share_link



Desired Outcome


Decisions / Discussion



Desired Outcome


Decisions / Discussion



Sharing and Updates

Share any Discovery related information from other SILS groups

Michele is transitioning off of the team and will be replaced by Anna Kahrs as the UCSF representative.

Did Gem get a list of the metadata items for dataset, etc.?

ELUNA Primo Working Group: They are working on dates for the 2023 enhancement voting round, so I'll keep an eye on that so we can have more warning and hopefully a smoother voting term this year.




CDI Limit by Availability

Continue drafting decision page

UCSC: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EGwPuNHrRFJSRiqVjz8BWM0FXa5R6y29DSYS3AR2bCU/edit#gid=0

UCB: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1d1velXBE16O0enNeQzBAOtvXjWhr_h9B9c89QN263uk/edit#heading=h.jjvqymvs5rxo

UCR: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1k2t0bj6oYUJO_rIN0R-I82Iicjz6ouPLhsct0WfKgQ0/edit#gid=0

UCI: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dfxQFq41cadovGkIXUeGorYEOz_nzNkjSesb3WFk4Os/edit?usp=sharing

UCD: UCD CDI Limit by Availability Testing

Decision Page: CDI Limit by Availability


Can anyone with more experience with these pages spearhead making this page not awful?



Future discussion

Discuss future

December 16th: Are we going to have enough of us or should we cancel that meeting?

December 30th: Cancelled due to holiday. So the next meeting is January 13th.

What pressing topics have come up that we need to look into next?

Informal on the 16th to discuss next steps.



Other Questions

Review current Parking Lot, Slack Questions, decide next steps for finding answers.

Discussion Parking Lot / Future Topics

Jackie: Non Roman tickets: Adv search title starts with doesn’t use 880s. But that it doesn’t apply to title is exact etc. those query 880.

There is a definite article in Hebrew that isn’t separate and appends to existing word and it won’t query as a definite article. It works in Israeli env. but not ours. That definite article is always going to be required when searching vernacular.

Gem: Might be good ta add to a documentation section to document these kinds of known issues.

Jared: They’ll be testing non-Roman things also.

Jackie: Thumbnail config. You can set that for your own IZ. It can also be in the NZ individually. It cannot be inherited. IZ only appears for you. NZ only appears to the NZ’s NZ primo. It will NOT pass to the institutions. You can’t see NZ order records even though you can see other Campus records…

Jared: Full text online linking flip flops. A lot of SC records were CDL resources.

Jackie: Testing suppressing dedup by location. Doesn’t work if connected to NZ. NZ can’t suppress dedup by IZ location.



UPDATES: ELUNA Primo Working Group

Just thoughts from today’s discussion.

  • IGeLU (ELUNA but international) proposing the creation of a code repository for the community. Several consortia already have.

  • Lack of documentation from Ex Libris due to assumed knowledge. Example: No step-by-step guidance on using Primo Studio. Assumes institutions have dedicated staff with the existing knowledge.

  • ELUNA Demo of “new” Title “Exact Only” search is still confusing because it STILL searches more than the 245. The team will ask about a 245 ONLY option vs an all “titles” indexed option.

  • Enhancement Request Timeline: Normally it’s 3 weeks of chaos. After getting submissions from community, it’ll be tossed in a spreadsheet, vetted, clarified, voted on in round one. The top ~20 will be presented to Ex Libris for complexity ranking. Then we’ll have round 2 voting. But the chaos is just part of the system.

  • DEI issues in Primo: Casual presentation/discussion planning. I’ll share information when it comes.




UPDATES: Primo Listserv







To think about:

  • Should we create a 2+ member Discovery Steering Committee to plan work and manage the timeline?

    • Any volunteers?

  • Should we schedule open, optional study halls that can be used for testing with a buddy, addressing/exploring issues that come up, etc.?

    • Jessica is always willing to buddy up for testing. Schedule is flexible. Shoot me a message.




New Vice Chair

Appoint a new vice chair





Pre/Post meeting Discussion comments and thoughts

stick stuff here



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