2023-01-13 Meeting notes

2023-01-13 Meeting notes


  • Jackie Gosselar, UC Berkeley

  • Jessica Kruppa, UC Riverside, Chair 

  • Jess Waggoner, UC Santa Cruz

  • Gem Stone-Logan, California Digital Library;

  • Jared Campbell, UC Davis;

  • Zoe Tucker, UC Los Angeles

  • Anna Kahrs, UC San Francisco

  • Joe Ameen, UC Merced;

  • Sean Claudio, UC Irvine 

  • Douglas Worsham, UC San Diego


Not Present:

  • Joe Ameen, UC Merced;

  • Michael Craig, UC Santa Barbara


Meeting Recording:



Desired Outcome


Decisions / Discussion



Desired Outcome


Decisions / Discussion



Sharing and Updates

Share any Discovery related information from other SILS groups

Does anyone want to be on the Discovery steering committee with Chair/Vice?


Chairs of ERMS and Fulfillment are out until the 16th. There may be a delay in getting a response about the CDI Limit by Availability page.

Welcome Anna Kahrs!

Let Jessica and Gem know if anyone wants to join the agenda discussions on off weeks (steering committee lite)

Jessica sent an email directly to AskSILS about getting Joshua Gomez and Lisa Weber access to Confluence and Slack.



Temperature Check: Local Resource Types

Which campuses care about LRT, which don’t? Is everyone ok with seeing these resource types in the NZ.

Who is the point person for each resource type that Gem can work with directly?

Gem’s already been working with Sean (UCI) for Reports and loose leaf.

UCSC and UCSD will send Gem info for who to directly work with for the outstanding custom resource types (Datasets, Video Games, LibGuides, Podcasts*)

*Podcasts is a new request from UCSD.



FRBR Preferred Records

Is everyone good with the testing plan?

Is the 26th a good end date for testing so we can discuss results on the 27th?

Does anyone want/need to get together for group testing?

FRBR/DEDUP Preferred Records

Another option: Get configuration changed by the 26th so we can do group testing on the 27th?


Davis can get done by the 26th.

Zoe/Jackie: Group testing will be a good opportunity.

UCR and UCD have been doing local testing and will be ready with test results on the 27th.

UCSD has a meeting about the testing on the 17th.

As a group, we will get the settings changed in sandbox and do group testing and discussion on the 27th.















Pre/Post meeting Discussion comments and thoughts

stick stuff here



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