2023-11-03 Meeting notes
Gem Stone-Logan, California Digital Library;
Sean Claudio, UC Irvine
Jackie Gosselar, UC Berkeley
Jess Waggoner, UC Santa Cruz
Zach Silveira, UC San Francisco
Jared Campbell, UC Davis
Michael Craig, UC Santa Barbara
Douglas Worsham, UC San Diego
Joe Ameen, UC Merced
Zoe Tucker, UC Los Angeles
Not Present
Joshua Gomez, UCLA, UX Subgroup
Jessica Kruppa, UC Riverside, Chair
Meeting Recording: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1HHdEBRm0_L3LJICWgH_X-nSIG-jReKkR
Item | Est Time | Desired Outcome | Notes | Decisions / Discussion | Actions | |
1 | Sharing and Updates | 5 | Share any Discovery related information from other SILS groups | LG:
All-Chairs: Worked on Alma/Primo VE issues doc Accessibility update: UCOP accessibility team is going to try to take a look at Primo VE sometime prior to winter break. |
2 | Slack/General Questions | 5 |
| Jackie: In the November Release highlights (I don't see this in the release notes yet?), it mentions the ability to create local keys for FRBR/Dedup matching. I'm curious if this is something that would need to be coordinated (and how?) with the NZ to work? I guess we will know more when ExL gives more info on that feature
| We’ll review more, along with the other release notes, at our next meeting. |
3 | 10 | What next steps are campuses encouraging patrons do when they don't find what they're looking for? |
Request: if someone finds something good, please bring it back to the group. |
| Gem will move these notes over to a quick topic doc and then everyone can review for accuracy. | |
4 | Exclude eBooks from CDI Results | 25 | Review our testing doc and determine next steps. | UCD: It did reduce dupes. Particularly around JSTOR, Access Medicine. Dissertations were still duplicating (things like scholarship). Found a couple of examples where a database or bib record was calling a resource a book but it was considered a report in CDI so there were duplicates. Overall, it looks promising. UCM: Only thing that caught where excluded CDI weren’t retrieved and want to try again. Does reduce duplicates though. UCLA: Yes, results are looking pretty good. Want to urge everyone whether your using filter by ability. Overall pretty positive change. UCB: Had weird situation where book chapters were retrieved but could get to the title from that. Seemed to mostly work but found some instances where you got zero results. E-Resources mentioned the quality of CZ vs CDI. Sometimes the CZ records are bad but didn’t do a lot of metadata analysis. UCSC: Wasn’t seeing a lot of duplicates. Didn’t really feel comfortable saying they saw much reduction. Do have filter by availability on. Once excluded CDI ebooks, did find some examples where records weren’t being retrieved. Did an initial search by DB ID, just to see reduction in overall retrieved. Some collections were very significant. Others it was minimal or non-existent. UCI: Tested a handful of records having records on did reduce dups. Handful of cases where still saw dups on. Filter by availability is off.
There might be a situation where the sandbox doesn’t have updated records.
| December 1 meeting look more at records that didn’t get retrieved that we expected would be retrieved. Gem will setup meeting with eresource chair/vice-chair. Talk about the CZ vs CDI metadata quality. Gem will double check how to determine if something is CZ vs locally cataloged. |
5 | Next Steps | 5 |
| Next meeting will be our Primo VE release review meeting. |
| Group will review releases notes to talk about ahead of time. |
6 | Parking Lot |
| Next Primo VE release meeting: November 17 |
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