2023-06-02 Meeting notes
Jess Waggoner, UC Santa Cruz
Jared Campbell, UC Davis;
Zoe Tucker, UC Los Angeles
Douglas Worsham, UC San Diego
Joe Ameen, UC Merced;
Gem Stone-Logan, California Digital Library;
Zach Silveira, UC San Francisco
Sean Claudio, UC Irvine
Michael Craig, UC Santa Barbara
Jackie Gosselar, UC Berkeley
Jessica Kruppa, UC Riverside, Chair
Not Present
Meeting Recording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17m72d9RcLLes22nWEfmdqE-6HksV1P5H/view?usp=share_link
Item | Desired Outcome | Notes | Decisions / Discussion | Actions | |
1 | Sharing and Updates | Share any Discovery related information from other SILS groups | Enhancement Voting: We’re still waiting on scoring from Ex Libris. |
2 | SILS community slack for Primo idea exchange | Follow up | Gem | #primo-idea-exchange |
3 | Screen Reader Issue | Follow up | Jackie | Campus ADA person walked through requesting item with screen readers. It was non-standard usability and didn’t read all the elements, etc. Jackie is following up with local developers and following up on the ticket with Ex Libris from 2020. Ex Libris doesn’t do much functionality ADA updates. |
4 | Hathi Trust record search ranking | Update | UX Team wants to look at if improvements to Direct Linking would make it a suitable alternative to making a special button on the brief record.
| Looks like the adding the worldwide collection may have resolved the ranking issues. Remaining campuses will test 5 each and we’ll review next time.
Results are appearing on the first page as expected. With the incorporation of the World Hathi Trust thingy. Recommendation/decision page? |
5 | Discovery UX Subgroup | Update | The UX subgroup will be meeting with the main group for the time being, with separate meetings as needed to address specific issues. | It’s been beneficial to have the flexibility of UX subject experts that are not officially part of the main representative group. But, everyone on the subgroup is currently part of the main group except for Joshua and Lisa. Meeting together would keep all members of the subgroup “on the same page.” Need to adjust the proposal or documentation to stress that Subgroup members that are not campus reps for DISC do not have a vote. 1 campus, 1 rep, 1 vote. |
6 | DISC Ops Subteam Membership Transition | Identify: | Gem has agreed to be chair going forward. We need a vice chair. | What’s Vice Chair do?
7 | Future Reboot Discussions | Really think about this over the next couple of weeks. They’ll be asking questions at the Reboot meeting | Does the charge, as written, still reflect what we want to get out of this group? Charge (pg. 18) Does this subteam have the right people from each campus to meet the Charge? What’s working? What hasn’t worked? What might we try? |
8 | Any outstanding SLACK questions or other things that have come up? |
| UCB - planning to start testing WorldCat options. Where to “put it” wasn’t harmonized at go-live. Zoe - UCLA design students are working on Primo rebrand, will be presenting at 2. |
9 | Review Workplan | Postponed |
| |
10 |
Pre/Post meeting Discussion comments and thoughts
Review the possibility of leveraging Idea Exchange and enhancement points to get stuff we want developed… developed.
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