Links to HathiTrust Materials In Campus SILS Instances

Links to HathiTrust Materials In Campus SILS Instances

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Legend: not started IN PROGRESS STALLED decided




The Digitization team at CDL conducted a study on the visibility of HathiTrust resources in UC campus ILS search interfaces. The results revealed that locating links can be difficult and the coverage of these resources differs significantly across campuses. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure effortless access and utilization of such resources to benefit patrons.

Decision summary

Since the completion of CDL's study, the situation appears to have been resolved due to the activation of the HathiTrust Worldwide collection that took place in January 2023, and no further action is required.

However, it might be advisable to perform the study again to discover if there are any continuing gaps that the SILS Operations Teams need to address.

Owning group




Decision-making process

Discussion and Consensus



Target decision date


Date decided

Jun 2, 2023


After thoroughly reviewing the documentation and conducting testing (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ik_SvsS2o1XDs5qU_DMzrLROCWlQEiO4Pd8mIWy4OzA/edit#gid=0 ), the Discovery Operations SubTeam has found that they are unable to replicate the findings of the CDL team. This is due to the activation of the HathiTrust Worldwide collection in the Network Zone that took place in January 2023, sometime after the conclusion of CDL’s study.

Before this, collections were activated, or not activated, at an Institution Zone level, and, as shown in the study, campuses were experimenting with local improvements to improve the visibility of HathiTrust materials, which resulted in significant variations between campuses.

While the Discovery Operations SubTeam was unable to replicate the findings related to HathiTrust record visibility, it might be advisable to perform the study again to discover if there are any continuing gaps that the SILS Operations Teams need to address.

That said, the SubTeam is continually addressing issues related to label visibility, accuracy (the Open Access Labels), and phrasing, which are issues that are not limited to HathiTrust.


Sometime after the UC SILS migration, CDL's Digitization team set out to study the ease of finding and accessing HathiTrust resources in each campus Alma instance.

The SILS Operations Team reviewed the Links to HathiTrust Materials In Campus SILS Instances report shared with them from members at CDL who work closely with HathiTrust. Upon review and following a discussion, OT felt questions and the Discovery Operations SubTeam would best handle the next steps related to this report.

On April 12th, 2023, the Operations Team empowered Discovery to review and decide the priority and feasibility of this work and if appropriate, decide that work related to this report is not feasible at this time.


Action Log

Action/Point Person

Expected Completion Date



Action/Point Person

Expected Completion Date



Initial Discussion

May 5, 2023


2023-05-05 Meeting notes

Test sample records https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ik_SvsS2o1XDs5qU_DMzrLROCWlQEiO4Pd8mIWy4OzA/edit#gid=0

May 19, 2023


2023-05-19 Meeting notes

Discuss test results

Jun 2, 2023

The team agrees that results are appearing as expected. Can create a decision page.

2023-06-02 Meeting notes

Inform OT of Decision

Jun 15, 2023



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