2023-05-19 Meeting notes
Jess Waggoner, UC Santa Cruz
Jared Campbell, UC Davis;
Zoe Tucker, UC Los Angeles
Douglas Worsham, UC San Diego
Joe Ameen, UC Merced;
Gem Stone-Logan, California Digital Library;
Zach Silveira, UC San Francisco
Sean Claudio, UC Irvine
Michael Craig, UC Santa Barbara
Jackie Gosselar, UC Berkeley
Not Present
Jessica Kruppa, UC Riverside, Chair
Meeting Recording:
Item | Desired Outcome | Notes | Decisions / Discussion | Actions | |
1 | Sharing and Updates | Share any Discovery related information from other SILS groups | UCLA’s weird Primo VE issue:
From Jackie:
2 | UX Subgroup updates |
| Small meeting:
3 | UC SILS Community Slack | Determine if we want to add any additional channels. | UC SILS Community Slack
| Gem will go ahead and make the slack channels and let UC SILS discovery know when it’s done. |
4 | Follow-up: Database Search | Need examples - Should we set aside a meet as a work session to look for examples?
| Decision Page: Database Search Collecting https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JBn7QAtqNV1A7IhBB1nqg5GnSCUqvp7GlfHKI5HMIa4/edit?usp=sharing
| This feels like it’s not as high of priority right now as it’s not going to replace anyone’s A-Z list. Still likely data quality issues but we’ll plan to submit tickets as needed. Change decision page to Stalled. | Document Database Search failures so we can start identifying the multiple issues affecting searches. |
5 | Follow-up: Hathi Trust | Need examples | Tracking page: Spreadsheet Report: HathiTrust Links in SILS
| Looks like the adding the worldwide collection may have resolved the ranking issues. Remaining campuses will test 5 each and we’ll review next time. |
6 | Thoughts from ELUNA |
| Not a lot of concrete examples of improvements to Primo VE. They’re talking about upgrading discovery in a few years to incorporate AI, new indexing, etc. |
7 | Any outstanding SLACK questions or other things that have come up? |
| May 1 - Jesse - Exclude from discovery Network test
8 | Review Workplan | Postponed |
| |
9 |
Pre/Post meeting Discussion comments and thoughts
Review the possibility of leveraging Idea Exchange and enhancement points to get stuff we want developed… developed.
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